It is a simple launcher of behat tests, which allow:
- to run each test in a separate process
- to run several test in parallel
- Put the executable file into the root of testable project (on the same level with
directory) - Run following command
$ bpr -workers 2 -behat ./bin/behat -- -s my_suite
where bpr
is the name of executable file and after --
can be any regular behat arguments.
The executable binary you can find on the releases page.
- Clone the repository
- Run following command
$ cd <clonned project root>
$ GOPATH=<clonned project root> go build -i "-ldflags=-linkmode internal" -o ./build/bpr
- Build on OSX machine for linux
$ env GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 GOPATH=<clonned project root> go build -i "-ldflags=-linkmode internal" -o ./build/bpr