A package for building, fitting, and predicting linear machine learning models on streaming data.
This package is intended for supervised machine learning on streaming data - that is, data that doesn't necessarily all fit in main memory at once. This data might be from a network or on disk, for example, with small amounts being loaded into memory at a time. This package implements supervised models that can learn partially, or incrementally, from smaller subsets of full training data.
These models support boolean labels (classification), multi-class classification, ranking, and regression through a unified interface. At a minimum, all that are required to build and fit a model are training data and labels, and the package will assign reasonable default parameters.
Here is a very simple example with artificial data
using OnlineLearning
X = randn(10, 800) # Training data with 10 features and 800 examples
Xval = randn(10, 200) # Validation data
wtrue = 3randn(10) # The true parameters
y = X'wtrue .+ randn(800) # Data times true parameter plus noise
yval = Xval'wtrue .+ randn(200) #Validation labels
#Construct the model and fit it over 50 epochs
regr = OnlineModel(X, y)
partialfit!(regr, X, y, epochs=50)
#Predict the output of the model on the validation data
ypred = predict(regr, Xval)
One thing to notice is that each column of the training data X represents a sample. This is different from libraries like scikit-learn, for example. This difference is because Julia matrices are column-major, so sampling columns from a matrix is much more computationally efficient than sampling rows. The orientation of the labels in multi-label classification should be the same, that is, the set of labels for one sample should correspond to a column of the label matrix.
The basic example doesn't exactly show OnlineLearning being used in a streaming context. The data is available in its entirety, so it seems redundant to have to specify X and y both when constructing the model and when fitting it.
This next example shows how an OnlineModel can be fit continuously over changing input data, this time with a multi-class classification problem.
using OnlineLearning
wtrue = 3randn(5, 10) # Use these parameters to generate fake data
Xsamp = zeros(10, 1) # The content of the data doesn't matter as long as the number of columns is correct
ysamp = UInt[5] # Unsigned integers are assumed to be multi-class classification, while signed integers are ordinal
# With ordinal and multiclass data, make sure that the maximum of the sample data is the number of classes
svm = OnlineModel(Xsamp, ysamp) #Defaults to a multi-class hinge loss, so a form of SVM
ch = Float64[] #Record of validation error
for s in 1:100
# Fake data generation to simulate a stream or other source of changing data
X = randn(10, 200)
Xw = wtrue*X + randn(5, 200)
y = UInt[indmax(Xw[:,i]) for i in 1:size(Xw, 2)]
# Fit the model at 1 epochs per fake data stream, holding off the last 20% for validation
# Also record the validation error
partialfit!(svm, X[:,1:160], y[1:160])
valloss = loss(svm, y[161:end], decision_func(svm, X[:,161:end]))
push!(ch, valloss)
#Shrink the stepsize if the most recent validation error is larger than the next-most recent
if s >= 5 && (ch[end] - ch[end - 1] >= 0)
svm.opt.η0 *= 0.7
This example illustrates the "Online" in "OnlineLearning"; the model fitting code sits inside the user code for data streaming and processing. This allows maximal flexibility in controlling how the model fits. For example, additional code can be added to monitor validation error and adjust the stepsize of the model during fitting.
At the core of an OnlineModel are three main things: an objective to minimize (loss + regularizer), a set of parameters (weights and bias), and an optimizer with information about stepsize, current epoch, and things like a momentum vector or other optimizer parameters that are built up over time.
The full constructor has this signature:
OnlineModel{N}(Xsamp::AbstractMatrix, ysamp::DenseArray{<:Number, N},
loss::Loss, penalty::Penalty,
The loss, penalty, and optimizer parameters are keyword arguments when the label type is detected.
OnlineLearning supports enables single and multi-label classification, regression, and ranking, as well as single-label multi-class classification. The problems are indicated by the element types of the labels passed to the model. This avoids label ambiguities, such as whether the negative class in classification is given by 0 or -1. The mapping from problem type to label type is given below:
<: AbstractFloat
(Float32, Float64, etc.) -> Regression
(Array{Bool}, BitArray, etc.) -> Binary Classification
<: Signed
(Int64, Int32, Int8, etc.) -> Ordinal Ranking
Here, the labels are expected to be between 1 and the number of ordinal levels,
so the maximum element of the y
passed to the constructor should be the number of levels.
<: Unsigned
(UInt64, UInt32, UInt8, etc.) -> Multiclass Classification
These should also have values between 1 and N
where N
is the number of classes
Similarly to the ordinal regression case, the y
passed into the constructor should
have maximum value equal to the number of classes.
The objective function to minimize consists of a loss function, a way to measure the
error between predictions and actual values, and a regularization penalty, or a
penalty on the model's weights themselves. For regression, classification, and ranking,
the loss functions from LossFunctions.jl ( https://github.com/JuliaML/LossFunctions.jl ),
are supported. DistanceLoss
es are supported for regression, MarginLoss
es are
used in binary classification, and either DistanceLoss
es or OrdinalMarginLoss
are recommended for ranking.
For multi-class classification, three types of loss are implemented here.
The MultinomialLogitLoss generalizes the logistic loss function to multiple classes and is grounded in a probabilistic interpretation.
The MulticlassL1HingeLoss generalizes the hinge loss used in SVMs to multi-class problems
OVRLoss treats the multi-class problem as separate binary classification problems and uses an internal MarginLoss (chosen at construction) to optimize these problems.
The supported penalties are further documented in https://github.com/JuliaML/PenaltyFunctions.jl Any (subgradient) differentiable penalty function is usable here.
Multiple optimizers are supported for experimentation and because of their properties on different problems. Currently supported optimizers are SGD (Stochastic Gradient Descent) with or without momentum, Nesterov SGD, and Adagrad, which maintains a running sum of previous squared gradients.
For SGDParams, NesterovParams, or AdagradParams, more information can be found by typing, for example,
The modular design of the package makes it possible to add new optimizers completely different from the currently-implemented ones. At a minimum, the following items are required:
Parameters that subtype OptParams
The optimizer itself that subtypes Optimizer
A method of build_optimizer
that maps the parameters and model weights to construct the optimizer
A method of allocate_storage
that takes model weights, the minibatch size, and an optimizer to
return an object with any required storage allocated (which could possibly be the optimizer itself).
A method of updateparams!
that takes the allocated storage object, an OnlineModel object, a minibatch
of training data, and the corresponding labels to update the model parameters
To best illustrate how to achieve this, we can use the example of a simple SGD optimizer with constant stepsize that records a history of its objective over each iteration.
using OnlineLearning
import OnlineLearning: OptParams, Optimizer, build_optimizer, allocate_storage, updateparams!
struct SGDHistParams <: OptParams
η::Float64 # Only the stepsize is adjustable in this example
# The optimizer object itself
mutable struct SGDHistOptimizer <: Optimizer
t::Int # The current iteration
η::Float64 # The stepsize
ch::Vector{Float64} # The convergence history
# This function calls the constructor
function build_optimizer(params::SGDHistParams, weights::Vector)
SGDHistOptimizer(0, params.η, Float64[])
# This toy optimizer doesn't need to allocate additional memory for performance
function allocate_storage(weights::Vector, batchlen::Int, opt::SGDHistOptimizer)
# Takes a stochastic gradient step ignoring the bias term for this example
function updateparams!(opt::SGDHistOptimizer, om::OnlineModel, Xmini::AbstractMatrix, ymini::Vector)
weights = om.mod.weights
batchsize = size(Xmini, 2)
g = (Xmini * deriv(om.obj.loss, ymini, Xmini'weights) ./ batchsize) .+ grad(om.obj.penalty, weights)
weights .-= opt.η .* g
curobj = value(om.obj.loss, ymini, Xmini'weights) ./ batchsize .+ value(om.obj.penalty, weights)
push!(opt.ch, curobj)
Xsamp = randn(10, 160);
ysamp = 5Xsamp'randn(10) + randn(160);
om = OnlineModel(Xsamp, ysamp)
partialfit!(om, Xsamp, ysamp, epochs=10, verbose=true)
To include support for multi-class and multi-label problems, additional methods for
, allocate_storage
, and updateparams!
may be needed to
accomodate the column-major order of weight and label matrices.