Releases: NanoVNA-Saver/nanovna-saver
Releases · NanoVNA-Saver/nanovna-saver
Sweeping bands
What's Changed
- Zooming and panning in TDR window and choosing fft window type
- Fix/sweep band selection
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.7.2...v0.7.3
Sliding triangles
What's Changed
- Linting and type annotations for mypy
- Fixed README.rst to be pypi compatible
- fix: band sweep setting. fixes #798
- fix: key navigation of markers. fixes #800
Full Changelog: v0.7.1...v0.7.2
Shiny Colored Windows
What's Changed
- Added a calibration range warning in sweep settings. Tnx to @DhyanRiktam for inspiring
me in #784
Full Changelog: v0.7.0...v0.7.1
Shiny Windows
What's Changed
- Switched from PyQt6 to pyside6 - enabling UI Designer usage
- Use uv as python build system
- Add support for NanoVNA F V3 for reaching valid data points upto 801
- Add support for tinySA Ultra+ ZS-407, ZS-406, ZS-405 and tinySA
- LiteVNA support
- Enforce ruff linting and checks
- Documentation updates
- More type annotations
New Contributors
- @redrathnure made their first contribution in #745
- @xros made their first contribution in #751
Full Changelog: v0.6.8...v0.7.0
Short wires waiting II
What's Changed
- MacOS update script by @nechry
- improoved TDR math again by @EnPassant123
- region selection when restoring default bands list by @Patronicssaver
- updates about automated macos build @Patronics
- allow Touchstone files for calibration by @EnPassant123
- Library updates, introducing type hinting, refactoring and code cleanups by @zarath
Big thanks to all new contributors!
New Contributors
- @nechry made their first contribution in #720
- @Patronics made their first contribution in #728
Full Changelog: v0.6.5...v0.6.8
Pumpkin time again
What's Changed
- Fix a core dump on startup and warning on rexexp search for version number by @t52ta6ek in #707
- Fix bug and fix math for TDR by @EnPassant123 in #715
- Adding more features to TDR window by @EnPassant123 in #717
- Feature/updates by @zarath in #719
New Contributors
- @EnPassant123 made their first contribution in #715
Full Changelog: v0.6.4...v0.6.5
What's Changed
- FIX build for Windows executable by @lpg2709 in #702
- Fix frequency calculation at logscale sweeps by @Peter3579 in #705
- Build system an library updates @zarath in #706
New Contributors
- @lpg2709 made their first contribution in #702
- @Peter3579 made their first contribution in #705
Full Changelog: v0.6.3...v0.6.4
Sorry No Binary
Summer rain again
What's Changed
- Add an UNIX-style manual page
- PyQt6 fixes
- Build of MacOS app bundle
- option --auto-connect, connect automatically if one device detected
- Redesign of the About window
- Jncradiovna3g - support
- Added support for devices reporting as SV4401A and SV6301A
- Simplify the in-source launcher script
- Correct some inconsistencies in the UI
- add getters and setters for private fields
- 3rd party lib updates
New Contributors
- @asarhaddon made their first contribution in #623
- @hvegh made their first contribution in #628
- @crisobal made their first contribution in #634
- @t52ta6ek made their first contribution in #652
Full Changelog: v0.5.5...v0.6.2
Only 64-Bit Binaries since Qt6
For Linux unzip the file and chmod +x the extracted file
Core is spinning
What's Changed
- Measuring inductor core permeability
- Bugfixes for calibration data loading and saving
- Let V2 Devices more time for usb-serial setup
- Make some windows scrollable
Known Bugs
- Resonance Analysys crashes Appliction (fixed in main branch)
New Contributors
Full Changelog:
Installation Hint
- If using binaries on Mac or Linux you have to
chmod +x nanovna-saver
unzipping as executable flags get lost with zip.
Windows build seems to have trouble, don't know if working as lacking windows....
- Windows binary for 64Bit systems in
- Windows binary for 32Bit systems in