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This repository aims to evaluate the robustness of quantized CNNs with approximate computing against adversarial attacks. The repository includes:

  • Code for training ResNet models on the CIFAR10 and CIFAR100 datasets.
  • Support for fast adversarial training, available in the fast_adversarial directory.
  • Implementation of approximate convolutions using the TransAxx framework.
  • A directory dedicated to simulating adversarial attacks on CNN models.


Execute the following commands to install the necessary dependencies.

Open a terminal and intall ninja-build

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ninja-build

Install all the necessary dependecies using conda (requires anaconda or miniconda

conda env create -f environment.yml

In order to use all 255 multipliers for the TransAxx model, it is necessary to install 7-zip and extract the axx_mults_8x8.7z file located un transaxx/ext_modules/include/nn/cuda/axx_mults. You can download 7-zip at Execute the following command to extract the .7z file:

cd transaxx/ext_modules/include/nn/cuda/axx_mults/
7z x axx_mults_8x8.7z

Finally, modify the PYTHONPATH as follows:

export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:your_path_to_this_folder/transaxx/:your_path_to_this_folder/neural_networks:your_path_to_this_folder/benchmark_CIFAR10:your_path_to_this_folder/approximate_multiplier$"$


In case python_quantization is not installed, execute these commands:

cd transaxx/pytorch-quantization
pip install --no-cache-dir --index-url --index-url pytorch-quantization==2.1.3
python install

Or you can try following the instructions in the README in the transaxx/pytorch-quantization directory, but this is what worked for me

MARLIN Environment

In order to use the script contained in benchmark_CIFAR10/, run the following commands:

make build

This command will setup the required scripts and repository. Further information on the configuration can be found in the folder ./riscv_characterization.

Cuda Setup

Set the following environment variables in .bashrc for proper CUDA functioning:

export CUDA_HOME="/usr/local/cuda-11.8"
export CUDA_PATH="/usr/local/cuda-11.8"


Focus on the neural_networks, fast_adversarial, and adversarial directories. The other directories primarily contain dependencies, and you won’t need to run any scripts from them.

Model Training and Evaluation

To train CIFAR-10 NNs you can use the script "", you can check the options by executing the following command:

python neural_networks/CIFAR10/ --help

As an example, run the following command:

python neural_networks/CIFAR10/ --neural-network resnet8 --execution-type quant

The available execution types are the following:

  • float: Models are defined using regular layers from torch.nn.
  • quant: These are quantized models, the quantization is achieved using custom layer definitions in neural_networks/
  • transaxx: These are quantized models that also support approximate multipliers. Quantization is done using pytorch-quantization, and custom layers are defined in transaxx/layers. For more details about the transaxx layer definitions, refer to the transaxx/layers/ directory.

To evaluate a model’s accuracy, run the following command:

python neural_networks/CIFAR10/ --neural-network resnet32 --execution-type quant --param-execution-type float

In this example, we evaluate the accuracy of a resnet32 model with quant execution type, using pre-trained parameters from a resnet32 model with float execution type.

In general, there are three execution types available, and you can load pre-trained parameters from any of them. This allows for nine possible combinations, such as loading parameters from a float model into a transaxx model, or from quant into transaxx, and so on.

Adversarial Training

The fast_adversarial directory contains training scripts using an FGSM adversary, with the goal of increasing the model's accuracy when under attack. For a more detailed overview of this repository see the README in the fast_adversarial directory.

For example running the following command:

python fast_adversarial/CIFAR10/ --neural-network resnet32 --execution-type transaxx --epochs 112 --reload 1

Would instantiate a resnet32 model with pre-trained parameters (because reload is 1), and continue training for a number of epochs equal to the difference between the number of epochs passed as argument and the number of epochs used for the pre-trained parameters. The adversarially trained parameters are saved in fast_adversarial/AT_models.

Attack Simulation

To simulate attacks on CNNs, the first step is generating perturbed data (adversarial images). This can be done using the following command:

python adversarial/ --neural-network resnet8 --execution-type quant

In this command:

  • A resnet8 model is instantiated.
  • You are prompted to select the type of attack and its parameters.
  • Adversarial images are generated based on this model and saved in the adversarial/adv_data directory.

To evaluate a model's accuracy under attack, use the script. For instance:

python adversarial/ --neural-network resnet32 --execution-type quant --adv-neural-network resnet8 --adv-execution-type quant


  • A resnet32 model is instantiated and evaluated.
  • The adversarial data generated by the resnet8 model in the previous step is used to test the resnet32 model's accuracy.

Reproducing the Results

In this section, I will outline all the steps needed to recreate the plots, including retraining, adversarial retraining, adversarial data generation, evaluation, and plotting.

Retrain the TransAxx model for 2 epochs

python neural_networks/CIFAR10/ --neural-network resnet32 --execution-type transaxx --reload 1 --continue-training 1 --epochs 112 --lr-type step --lr 0.0005 --lr-gamma 0.9 --step-size 2

Train the float model

python neural_networks/CIFAR10/ --neural-network resnet32 --execution-type float

Adversarially train the float model for 2 epochs

python fast_adversarial/CIFAR10/ --neural-network resnet32 --execution-type float --lr-schedule step --epsilon 1 --epochs 105 --reload 1

Adversarially train the quant model for 2 epochs

python fast_adversarial/CIFAR10/ --neural-network resnet32 --execution-type quant --lr-schedule step --epsilon 1 --epochs 112 --reload 1

Adversarially train the transaxx model for 2 epochs

python fast_adversarial/CIFAR10/ --neural-network resnet32 --execution-type transaxx --lr-schedule step --epsilon 1 --epochs 112 --reload 1

Generate the adversarial data using the 3 execution types, the default attack type is used (PGD):

python adversarial/ --neural-network resnet32 --execution-type float
python adversarial/ --neural-network resnet32 --execution-type quant
python adversarial/ --neural-network resnet32 --execution-type transaxx

Generate the adversarial data using the 3 execution types, but using the parameters generated form the adversarial training, same attack type:

python adversarial/ --neural-network resnet32 --execution-type float --AT 1 --AT-epochs 105 --AT-epsilon 1
python adversarial/ --neural-network resnet32 --execution-type quant --AT 1 --AT-epochs 112 --AT-epsilon 1
python adversarial/ --neural-network resnet32 --execution-type transaxx --AT 1 --AT-epochs 112 --AT-epsilon 1

Generate the data (adv. accuracy and regular accuracy) for the plots using the adv. data generated without adv. training

python adversarial/ --neural-network resnet32 --AT 1 --AT-epsilon 1 --AT-epochs 112 --AT-epochs-float 105

Same thing but now data generated with adv. training

python adversarial/ --neural-network resnet32 --AT 1 --AT-epsilon 1 --AT-epochs 112 --AT-epochs-float 105 --adv-AT 1

Plot the results

python adversarial/ --neural-network resnet32 --adv-neural-network resnet32 --adv-AT 0


python adversarial/ --neural-network resnet32 --adv-neural-network resnet32 --adv-AT 1

To test the performance of resnet32 on adv. data generated by resnet8 (any 2 combination of resnet networks can be tested):

python adversarial/ --neural-network resnet32 --AT 1 --AT-epsilon 1 --AT-epochs 112 --AT-epochs-float 105 --adv-neural-network resnet8


python adversarial/ --neural-network resnet32 --adv-neural-network resnet8 --adv-AT 0

The same commands work for other resnet models, the only parameter that needs to be changed is the --epochs parameter, set it so that it only retrains the model for 2 epochs.


This project makes use of the following third-party libraries:

-MARLIN Used for defining the CNN models and providing the script to train them.

-fast_adversarial Used for adversarial training of the CNN models.

-TransAxx Used for supporting approximate convolutional layers.

-Adversarial-Attacks-PyTorch Used to generate adversarial data for simulating adversarial attacks.


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