AutoItLibrary is a Python keyword library that extends Robot Framework (http://code.google.com/p/robotframework/) by providing keywords based on the COM interface to AutoIt (http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/index.shtml). AutoIt is a freeware tool for automating the Windows GUI.
In order to do screenshots, the AutoItLibrary uses the Open Source Python Image Library tool PIL (http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/).
More easily:
pypi install robotframework-autoitlibrary
AutoItLibrary installs its own file and, if not already present, the 3rd party AutoIt and PIL tools. To install, unzip the release file into a temporary directory on your PC, open a command window in that directory and type:
python setup.py install
This installation creates the folder:
on your PC and puts various files into this directory folder.
AutoItLibrary documentation is installed by the installation process into
The AutoItX documentation is also installed into this folder as AutoItX.chm.
The AutoItLibrary installer puts a suite of self-tests here:
To run these tests, which exercise the Windows Calculator GUI, run the RunTests.bat file in the above folder.
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