*S*tandard *O*perating *P*rocedures are usually a written down list for
They are good just as they are for several reasons
- They are written down. THis is usually the biggest win
- They are consistent
What is better than a set of instructions to
However an automation period usually fails because it is not possible (due to time, yak-shaving, or political considerations) to automate the whole process end to end, and it remains in an uncertain state
But by logging when a soppy was run, we can give valuable information on the value of improving that situation.
Most SOPs presume some human activity, and still most SOPs will rely on email.
- email as major source of inter-human message passing
- can use the secure-approval process to sign
- storing state??? Needs to be at any time, one golden state defintion.
- is the over-arcing controller for RPA
Each soppy is a recipie to desribe how to change something in a company / organisation.
module: employee_holiday_request.py
module level functions:
A Single module may be running many process_controllers - sorta like a class and object.
process_module process_controller sop_incident
One manager:
Install, local disk for storage, local email for email service.