This Cosa library is an implementation of the Google Protocol Buffers data streaming protocol. It is adapted for AVR/8-bit processors to allow simple data exchange with hosts. Implements encoding and decoding of signed/unsigned integers and floating point up to 32-bits. 64-bit integers and double are not supported. Support length delimited blocks from both SRAM and PROGMEM.
To use this library you must download and install the [Arduino IDE] ( (or GCC AVR toolchain) and [Cosa] (
Download and unzip the Cosa-ProtocolBuffer library into your sketchbook libraries directory. Rename from Cosa-ProtocolBuffer-master to ProtocolBuffer.
The ProtocolBuffer library and examples should be found in the Arduino IDE File>Sketchbook menu. Open the CosaProtocolBuffer example sketch. Select the Cosa core by selecting one of the Cosa boards in the Tools>Board menu.
- Google Protocol Buffers,