A simple client library for Force.com REST API written by Go.
- Create, read, update, delete, and query operations through a simple API
- Pre-defined and fully extendable SObject structs
- Any operations takes standard
object (since Go 1.7) that can control canceling behavior - Only using Golang standard libraries, no additional dependencies required
go get github.com/mikan/force-client-go/...
cred := force.Credential{ClientID: "xxx", ClientSecret: "xxx", Username: "xxx", Password: "xxx", APIToken: "xxx"}
client, _ := force.NewClient("xxx.salesforce.com", force.Production, "41.0", nil)
err := client.Login(context.Background(), &cred)
var set sobject.ContactSet
client.Query(context.Background(), "SELECT Id,FirstName,LastName FROM Contact", &set)
for _, c := range set.Records {
fmt.Printf("%s: %s %s\n", c.Id, c.FirstName, c.LastName)
Output of the above code:
0037F000004g6hzQAA: Liz D'Cruz
0037F000004g6i0QAA: Edna Frank
0037F000004g6i1QAA: Avi Green
// Create
contact := sobject.Contact{FirstName: "Test", LastName: "User"}
id, err := client.Create(context.Background(), sobject.ContactObjectName, &contact)
// Read
var readResult sobject.Contact
err = client.Read(context.Background(), sobject.ContactObjectName, id, &readResult)
// Update
update := sobject.Contact{FirstName: "Test2"}
err = client.Update(context.Background(), sobject.ContactObjectName, id, &update)
// Delete
err = client.Delete(context.Background(), sobject.ContactObjectName, id)
go run cmd\force-client\main.go -f config.json <OPERATION>
by samples:
- Query:
-q "SELECT Name FROM Contact LIMIT 3"
- Create:
-c Contact -j {\"FirstName\":\"Test\",\"LastName\":\"User\"}
- Read:
-r Contact -i 0037F00000Hc2GyQAJ
- Update:
-u Contact -i 0037F00000Hc2GyQAJ -j {\"FirstName\":\"Test2\"}
- Delete:
-d Contact -i 0037F00000Hc2GyQAJ
See -h
) for more information.
- BLOB in/out
- SOSL Search
- Composite resources
- Composite requests
- Batch requests
- SObject Tree requests
- Other special endpoints
BSD 3-Clause