A plugin for the model to store them easily within the object-store.
// Initialization of a new model-store:
var store = ModelStore();
// Create a stamping model class which is then nested into the
// employee class.
var Stamping = Employee.model('stamping')
// The name is stored like the following
Stamping.typeName === 'stamping';
// The employee nests the type `Stamping`. The first part declares
// the types of the employee and the second part declares the
// attributes.
var Employee = model('employee')
// this gives the stamping class a new attribute called `employee`
// which stores the reference to the `Employee`.
.attr('stamping', { ref: Stamping })
.attr('stamping', Stamping)
.attr('stampings', [{ ref: Stamping }])
.attr('stampings2', [Stamping])
// ...
// use the model
var employee = new Employee({ name: 'John Smith' });
var Stampings = employee.stampings;
var stamping = employee.stampings.create({ start: new Date() });
var EmployeeStamping = employee.stampings;
new EmployeeStamping();
// the stamping has a back-reference to the employee
stamping.employee === employee;
// save the model
employee.save(function(err, res){
// ...
// fetches /employees/:employee/stampings/id58294
employee.stampings.get('id58294', function(err, stamping){
employee.stampings.all(function(err, stampings){
// ...