I am experimenting with WebGL in Elm and thought I would collect anything useful that comes out in this repo. This code is intended to be more a learning resource than a code resource. I have no prior experience in WebGL and would have liked more basic examples done in Elm than what is currently available.
- Generates landscape/terrain geometry using a noise function.
- A "player" can be moved across landscape using arrow keys.
- Has shader with directional lighting.
- Rotate "scene" using mouse drag
- Landscape.Generator returns vertices with normals needed for lighting in the shader. There seems to be MANY ways to calculate normals for a mesh. The simple one used here is sufficient for geometry that "points in one direction" and does not curve into itself.
- Landscape geometry generated is the simplest possible: quads triangulated in order. I understand some other pattern (Diamond-square) would be more optimal.
- Lighting is done in vertex shader. One is supposed to get better results calculating lighting in fragment shader...
- Noise function is a quick implementation of Perlin Noise. Not sure it is at all "correct" but it seems to do its job.
- Keyboard.elm handles keyboard input. It is not in a production state in any way. :)
yarn/npm install
yarn/npm run landscape
Browse dist/landscape.html