The OOXML Validator is a .NET CLI package which validates Open Office XML files (.docx, .docm, .dotm, .dotx, .pptx, .pptm, .potm, .potx, .ppam, .ppsm, .ppsx, .xlsx, .xlsm, .xltm, .xltx, or .xlam) and returns the validation errors as JSON or XML.
The OOXML Validator CLI accepts 1 required and 4 optional parameters. The first argument must be the file or directory path, the order of the other 4 arguments doesn't matter.
Argument Order | Type | Value | Required/Optional |
First (Required) | string | The absolute path to the file or folder to validate | Required |
Any | string | The version of Office to validate against* | Optional |
Any | string | If the value is --xml or -x , cli will return xml |
Optional |
Any | string | If the value is --recursive or -r validates files recursively through all folders** |
Optional |
Any | string | If the value is --all or -a files without any errors are included in the list. |
Optional |
* Must be one of these (case sensitive): Office2007
, Office2010
, Office2013
, Office2016
, Office2019
, Office2021
, Microsoft365
. Defaults to Microsoft365
** Only valid if the path passed is a directory and not a file, otherwise it is ignored
XML and JSON both return a list of validation errors. In addition to the validation error list, the XML data has 2 attributes: FilePath
and IsStrict
. FilePath is the path to the file that was validated and IsStrict is true if the document is saved in strict mode and false otherwise.
If the first argument passed is a directory path, then all Office Open XML files in the directory are validated. Non-OOXML files are ignored. If the -r
or --recursive
flags are passed then all directories are validated recursively.
You can run some development scripts with
./ help
# ./ <command> [build_env]
# help show this help message
# docker docker container for development
# build <build_env> build
# envs show build envs
# run <build_env> run the command line
To build run the following, replacing linux-x64
with your environment
./ build linux-x64
Run the executable with
./ run linux-x64 ./test.docx
If you don't want to install dotnet
just run the following to start a container shell
./ docker
# root@8b0f1aad055c:/code# [RUN YOUR COMMANDS HERE]
- use the docker method from above to start the project
- from the docker CLI run the build for linux-arm64:
root@8b0f1aad055c:/code# ./ build linux-arm64
Use the CLI by calling:
root@8b0f1aad055c:/code# ./ run linux-arm64 [other-options]