A talk for the Google Developer Group Johannesburg meetup on 04 October 2017
Polymer is not just a framework, it is an ambitious attempt to scry into the future and inform the present - to steward and direct the evolution of the Web Platform. It has inextricably linked itself to Web Components, with the sole ambition of making them globally native. To be clear, this is a 'framework' that is actively courting its own obsolescence, growing smaller with every subsequent release.
It is in pursuit of this that the latest version of Polymer was announced, informed by recent W3C standardisation victories as well as mainstream adoption of Web Platform features. The project is removing features, changing the ecosystem, improving cross-framework interop, all to empower the platform.
This talk will give a brief overview of Polymer 3.0, the direction of WebComponents and make a case for why you should care about Polymer and the direction of the Web Platform.