This project is a React-based website for a fictional restaurant called "Little Lemon." The website allows users to view the restaurant's menu, get information about the restaurant, and reserve a table.
- React: Used as the frontend library to build the user interface.
- Chakra UI: Used for styling and layout components.
- React Router: Used for routing between different pages.
- Displays restaurant information and popular dishes.
- Allows navigation to the menu and reservation pages.
- Displays various categories of dishes: main dishes, appetizers, and desserts.
- Each dish includes an image, description, and price.
- Allows users to reserve a table by filling out a form.
- Includes form validation for required fields and email format.
- Displays a success message upon successful reservation.
- Navbar: Includes links to navigate between home, menu, and reservation pages.
- Footer: Includes restaurant image, contact information, and social media links.
Clone the repository: git clone
Navigate to the project directory: cd Little-Lemon
Install dependencies: npm install
Run the application: npm start
Run tests: npm test
- Deployment: This project is designed for learning and development purposes. Deployment platforms like Netlify or Vercel can be used for hosting.
- Local Development: It runs on localhost for development (http://localhost:3000 by default).
Feel free to adjust the descriptions, paths, and other details based on your specific project setup and requirements. This Markdown file provides a structured overview of your project, its structure, features, technologies used, and how to run it.
High Fidelity Design