How do you idiots like my sauce?.. You'll get some rather interesting sauce yourself in the future.. ;) you'll see.
This is what a fully automated, no need to upgrade, long term attack on mass surveillance platforms looks like. It has everyting required to force more resources than actionable intelligence for each listener node. The fun part about it is that these "smart attack paths" if performed online will possibly affect dozens of separate mass surveillance platforms simultaneously. Its quite magnificiant that the same technology which allows for mass capture of the data in the first place will also allow anyone to attack worldwide platforms back to back while spoofing packets in a particular manner. If you believe that this isn't a big deal then you aren't someone I care about understanding anyhow. If you are someone who understands all of the layers, and internals of processing the information then you already know that this is not a game. This is the result of my personal issues with the US government, and knowing that when the government allows people to hide under its veil that it takes something extreme such as this to ensure that they don't just move on without performing the proper duties required in a democracy. If I firmly believed the actions of these massively corrupt government officials were legitamate in any way shape or form then as an American I would have never considered designing this in the first place. However, that kind of situation is a reality far from the truth.
The main subsystems are relatively simple. It had loops which can call a python script each iteration, for instance a second, for modifications during exeution. Traceroute is a subsystem which is designed to create virtual paths between Internet nodes, and the attacking system as well. It allows precise calculations of expected mass surveillance damages. It allows targeting specific Internet fiber cable taps such as the ones Snowden leaked between America, and Europe. It can allow you to target any particular tap if you have a concept of where they are. It was not until I begain designing, and testing that I realized the horrible truth. If you are in America such as where my IP had lay when I developed this technology then you could affect literally dozens of taps while forcing spoofed packets across the Internet to a country such as China. It is possible it would go directly from Los Angeles to China although armed with traceroute, and some understand then you may begin to get the real nightmare-ish picture. The real nightmare is the fact that all of our data when routed across the Internet has been picked up by these probable dozen different ISP taps on its way including passwords, etc if those networks were located in those areas. The majority of the major sites will be fairly close for a lot of Internet traffic however DNS which responds different by various addresses allows you to force various routes on purpose to ensure you reach these other surveillance platforms.
A different subsystem is live packet monitoring which will find HTTP sessions less than 1megabyte, and quicker than 10 seconods with ability to integrate directly into an attack structure. The structure will allow replaying possibly infinite times with small changes with the entire purpose of injecting falsified sessions into X-Keyscore, etc. It will also allow this tool to be used for other purposes unrelated. Packet building features for IPv4, and IPv6 are another subsystem which was required to modify the TCP/IP parameters for each replayed attack. Embedding python scripts for control commands, and now callbacks to modify content, and soon identities being used in the various attacks was another addition to ensure that I don't have to release more than a single version of this tool. I wanted to ensure a teenage hacker with a lot of time on his hands who barely understands Visual Basic could launch these attacks if chosen.
Detailed reasoning is in the why directly but it comes down to US government drugging me, raping me, and having zero accountability for their actions. It is by far from the last thing I am willing to do to ensure they change their ways quickly. This is a demonstration. I have worse things I can release which take a lot less code. I had already released papers regarding the attacks themselves therefore building it was the logical next step. I understand that the papars were vague in comparison. You can read them yourselves in the repository. I must say whoever thought they were in control, in charge, and could continue to do whatever they wanted to me in my life... are fucking morons. I will do whatever it takes to ruin you. I'm really not fucking with you people.
NSA: nice little video for you guys
I'll design some example documentation ready preparing for the first release. I'm a week behind schedule which isn't too bad. I plan on releasing a network 0-day which will cause ruckus for several years possibly. I needed all of these subsystems to increase probability of the attack being successful without any internal information of networks being attacked. Thus, traceroute was a stone for two birds as it was designed.
Enjoy the code.
Mike Guidry Unified Defense Technologies, Inc Dec 1, 2017 It so happens this company UDT was just disbanded in Florida by the government since I did not send in some yearly report. I decided that since I wrote the papers under the corporate 'entity' then I should just continue because a lot of what this government does is try to hide behind different shields such as military, or corporate to ensure that these people cannot be directly held accountable as individuals. .. I don't plan on taking any of you to court. Please do not go to jail. I'll be seeing each and every one of you.. :) Believe I have empty threats?
this is a version which is controlled by a python script. It allows easily manipulating, controlling, and using this tool.
This was really to prove a point, and be a demonstration of what will happen if these morons dont get their shit together. It seems to be exactly what I thought it'd be when I begain... I'll claim a release within 2 days. 11/30/17
this is a version which is controlled by a python script. It allows easily manipulating, controlling, and using this tool. it is a work in progress, and being actively developed...
gcc -o anti anti_surveillance.cpp ./anti 31337 80 client_body server_body 1 1 then open output.pcap in wireshark or tcpdump -r
if you'd like to test 5000 simultaneous http sessions... do this: gcc -o anti anti_surveillance.cpp -ggdb -DBIG_TEST then same command line.. the output will have al different source + destinnation IPs its fully green in wireshark.. id say this is ready for an attack.
This was a part of another project but I moved it here to attempt to cleanup. I need to add content generation from external scripts, or software so it was about to get really messy.
original location:
Funny enough.. It could be turned into a surveillance platform with the correct filters, and some external application preparing to analyze the data... LOL
The base code is pretty tough on these surveillance platforms therefore directly rough on the NSA. The upcoming code is a cherry, icing, and lesson to the NSA. I gave them 3 days. It isn't the first time I have set an amount of time to stop fucking with my life. Oh well.
FYI: this not the last step in ruining mass surveillance. but you guys do need a break after this.. so you'll ahve a little time while i move on to other things.
funny enough.. US intelligencce agencies forfeiting damages of mass surveillance to allow a few morons to decide to keep drugging me is beyond me... and that alone will force me to lobby, and destroy everyone involved until they are all out of government anyways.
it doesn't matter what happens... everyone involved is done. trust me.
RST check - done SIZE/URI check/find (live, and brute force) - brute force file created.. PSH check - wrote needs testing attack - good third party initiator (w shared key) - future (needs to sync time w passive monitor somehow).. (either using difference between a third party which can be input without direct connection, or direct)
blackhole-last antis - good but needs ipv6 ip gen redir-2nd last
listen test (w using specific port on an existing IP) (RST check can be reused).. ability to take a range and automaticallly generate usable and spit out seeds for using them
vpn on top of virtual listen and regular vpn (w gateway emulation so a local network machine can reroute through the virtual IP/gateway and itll auto VPN) maybe use quic
linux/windows socket libs/tcp stack can show browser connections already connected (so writefds gets triggered) and the browser sends the get request which can be paired into the final TCP/IP packet to cut off sosmme time w