The goal of nomadsNC is to download the most current forecast from the NWC National Water Model, and pivot the data for timeseries access. You must have NCO install for this package to work.
You can install the development version from GitHub with:
These are some basic examples which show how to solve some common NWM forecast problems.
Lets download the most current short range files (18 hours out so 18 files) and consolidate them into a single timeseries optimized NetCDF file:
create_nomads_nc(type = "short_range", dstfile = "data/")
# user system elapsed
# 22.425 11.667 72.216
Lets look at the new streamflow 2D variable using RNetCDF:
nc <-"data/")
allQ <-, "streamflow")
#> [1] 2729077 18
Great! We have the ~2.7 million reaches on the X dimension and the 18 hour time slices on the Y. Say instead you wanted an 18-hour timeseries for the 102991 COMID in the file (why that ID? Who knows, more on this below).
# Ask for data staring on the feature_id index 102991 and time index 1.
# Read across the time index 1, and across all time indeces (NA)
Q <-, "streamflow", start = c(102991,1), count =c(1, NA), unpack = TRUE)
plot(Q, main = "NHD Catchement with Index 102991",
xlab = "Hours from now...", ylab = "Streamflow (cms)")
Lets take it one step further, lets say you know your location (e.g. Colorado Springs), and what to find the streamflow record related to your catchment. To do this we can use dataRetrieval:
# use dataRetrieval::findNLDI to identify your catchment COMID
comid <- dataRetrieval::findNLDI(location = c(-104.8253, 38.83396))$origin$comid
# Find that COMID position in the complete NetCDF file
comid_index <- match(comid,, "feature_id", unpack = TRUE))
# Use that position to extract streamflow records
Q <-, "streamflow", start = c(comid_index,1), count =c(1, NA), unpack = TRUE)
plot(Q, main = "NHD Catchement at c(-104.8253, 38.83396)",
xlab = "Hours from now...", ylab = "Streamflow (cms)")
Lets say you wanted a map of the maximum streamflow over the current forcast for the HUC8 experiencing the single largest flow record in this forecast… wow this is a little trickier but totally doable using nhdplusTools
row_id <- arrayInd(which.max(allQ), dim(allQ))[1]
max_flow_comid <-, "feature_id", unpack = TRUE)[row_id]
feature_of_interest <- nhdplusTools::get_vaa("reachcode") %>%
filter(comid == max_flow_comid) %>%
mutate(huc8 = substr(reachcode, 1, 8))
huc8 <- nhdplusTools::get_huc8(id = feature_of_interest$huc8)
nhd <- nhdplusTools::get_nhdplus(AOI = huc8)
comid_index <- match(nhd$comid,, "feature_id", unpack = TRUE))
records <-, lapply(1:length(comid_index), FUN = function(x){, "streamflow", start = c(comid_index[x],1), count =c(1, NA), unpack = TRUE)
nhd$maxFlow <- apply(records, 1, max)
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = huc8) +
geom_sf(data = nhd, aes(color = maxFlow)) +
scale_color_viridis_c(direction = -1, trans = "log", option = "D") +
theme_void() +
theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
labs(title = "Max flow over the next 18 hours: NWM Short-range forecast",
subtitle = paste0("HUC08-", huc8$huc8))