A Lua wrapper for OpenBSD's bcrypt.
lua >= 5.1
$ luarocks install bcrypt
local bcrypt = require("lua-bcrypt")
-- Bigger numbers here will make your digest exponentially harder to compute
local log_rounds = 9
local digest = bcrypt.digest("password", log_rounds)
assert(bcrypt.verify("password", digest))
Before lua-bcrypt 2.3-2 you had to use require("bcrypt")
. I will never drop
support for this so you don't need to modify existing software unless you also
want it to run on Windows.
Windows has a system DLL called bcrypt.dll and the name clash makes
not work. If you want your software to run on Windows you
must use require("lua-bcrypt")
Lua will keep plaintext passwords around in memory as part of its string interning mechanism. As far as I'm aware, there's nothing I can do about this.
If you would like to automatically tune the number of rounds to your hardware, you can include a function like:
function bcrypt.tune(t)
local SAMPLES = 10
local rounds = 5
while true do
local total = 0
for i = 1, SAMPLES do
local start = os.clock()
bcrypt.digest("asdf", rounds)
local delta = os.clock() - start
total = total + delta
if (total / SAMPLES) * 1000 >= t then
return rounds - 1
rounds = rounds + 1
This function returns the largest load factor such that
bcrypt.digest(str, work)
takes less than t