Deploy to Docker Hub #465
1 error and 1 warning
Build & Push - latest
buildx failed with: ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/bash -o pipefail -c set -x && TEMP_PACKAGES=() && KEPT_PACKAGES=() && KEPT_PACKAGES+=(busybox-syslogd) && KEPT_PACKAGES+=(bzip2) && KEPT_PACKAGES+=(ca-certificates) && KEPT_PACKAGES+=(curl) && KEPT_PACKAGES+=(gnupg2) && KEPT_PACKAGES+=(libberkeleydb-perl) && KEPT_PACKAGES+=(libicu-dev) && KEPT_PACKAGES+=(libjson-c5) && KEPT_PACKAGES+=(libldap-2.4-2) && KEPT_PACKAGES+=(libmail-spf-perl) && KEPT_PACKAGES+=(libmilter1.0.1) && KEPT_PACKAGES+=(libncurses6) && KEPT_PACKAGES+=(libnet-server-perl) && KEPT_PACKAGES+=(libnetaddr-ip-perl) && KEPT_PACKAGES+=(libpcre2-posix2) && KEPT_PACKAGES+=(libpcre3) && KEPT_PACKAGES+=(libsasl2-2) && KEPT_PACKAGES+=(libsys-hostname-long-perl) && KEPT_PACKAGES+=(libxml2) && KEPT_PACKAGES+=(net-tools) && KEPT_PACKAGES+=(opendkim-tools) && KEPT_PACKAGES+=(opendkim) && KEPT_PACKAGES+=(miltertest) && KEPT_PACKAGES+=(procps) && KEPT_PACKAGES+=(python3) && KEPT_PACKAGES+=(socat) && KEPT_PACKAGES+=(zlib1g) && TEMP_PACKAGES+=(autoconf) && TEMP_PACKAGES+=(automake) && TEMP_PACKAGES+=(build-essential) && TEMP_PACKAGES+=(check) && TEMP_PACKAGES+=(cmake) && TEMP_PACKAGES+=(git) && TEMP_PACKAGES+=(libbz2-dev) && TEMP_PACKAGES+=(libcurl4-openssl-dev) && TEMP_PACKAGES+=(libdb5.3-dev) && TEMP_PACKAGES+=(libjson-c-dev) && TEMP_PACKAGES+=(libldap2-dev) && TEMP_PACKAGES+=(libmilter-dev) && TEMP_PACKAGES+=(libncurses5-dev) && TEMP_PACKAGES+=(libpcre2-dev) && TEMP_PACKAGES+=(libpcre3-dev) && TEMP_PACKAGES+=(libsasl2-dev) && TEMP_PACKAGES+=(libssl-dev) && TEMP_PACKAGES+=(libtool-bin) && TEMP_PACKAGES+=(libtool) && TEMP_PACKAGES+=(libxml2-dev) && TEMP_PACKAGES+=(pkg-config) && TEMP_PACKAGES+=(python3-pip) && TEMP_PACKAGES+=(python3-pytest) && TEMP_PACKAGES+=(texinfo) && TEMP_PACKAGES+=(valgrind) && TEMP_PACKAGES+=(zlib1g-dev) && apt-get update && apt-get install -o Dpkg::Options::=\"--force-confold\" --force-yes -y --no-install-recommends ${KEPT_PACKAGES[@]} ${TEMP_PACKAGES[@]} && mkdir -p /etc/mail/dkim && groupadd --system postdrop && groupadd --system clamav && groupadd --system postgrey && useradd --groups postdrop --no-create-home --no-user-group --system --shell=/usr/sbin/nologin postfix && useradd --groups clamav --no-create-home --no-user-group --system --shell=/usr/sbin/nologin clamav && useradd --groups postgrey --no-create-home --no-user-group --system --shell=/usr/sbin/nologin postgrey && mkdir -p /src/postgrey && curl --location --output /src/postgrey.tar.gz && tar xf /src/postgrey.tar.gz -C /src/postgrey && pushd \"$(find /src/postgrey -maxdepth 1 -type d | tail -1)\" && mkdir -p /opt/postgrey && cp -Rv ./* /opt/postgrey && mkdir -p /etc/postgrey && touch /etc/postgrey/postgrey_whitelist_clients.local && touch /etc/postgrey/postgrey_whitelist_recipients.local && ln -s /opt/postgrey/postgrey /usr/local/bin/postgrey && mkdir -p /var/spool/postfix/postgrey && popd && curl --location --output /src/ && chmod a+x /src/ && /src/ -y && source \"$HOME/.cargo/env\" && mkdir -p /src/clamav && curl --location --output /src/clamav.tar.gz \"${CLAMAV_LATEST_STABLE_SOURCE_URL}\" && curl --location --output /src/clamav.tar.gz.sig \"${CLAMAV_LATEST_STABLE_SOURCE_SIG_URL}\" && gpg2 --import /talos.gpg && gpg2 --verify /src/clamav.tar.gz.sig /src/clamav.tar.gz || exit 1 && tar xf /src/clamav.tar.gz -C /src/clamav && pushd \"$(find /src/clamav -maxdepth 1 -type d | tail -1)\" && mkdir -p ./build && pushd ./build && cmake ..
ubuntu-latest pipelines will use ubuntu-24.04 soon. For more details, see