A 2D Kerbal Space Program simulator that is useful for calculating continuous burns and planet interceptions in KSP. Preview
- Simulates orbits of Kerbin, Duna and their respective moons
- Allows for a ship to be "launched" in a circular orbit around a body at a prescribed altitude, or placed in space by specifiying orbital parameters
- "Ship" can take conditional instructions for when to change heading or throttle
- Headings can either be "absolute" (using the x/y coordinate system used by the canvas, relative to the parent body) or "relative" (with 0 being prograde and -PI being retrograde)
- Renders elliptical orbits
- Track fuel consumption
- Fix issue with rendering conic sections when zoomed too far into a large ellipse
- Most likely caused by a floating point issue
- Possible fix: break ellipse into more segments when zoomed in by splitting the bezier curve http://pomax.github.io/bezierinfo/#splitting
- Add parabolic and hyperbolic orbits to conic renderer
- Add rest of planets and moons
- Add panning and zooming directly with mouse
- Automatically decrease step size for objects being calculated in cartesian coordinates when the throttle is set to 0 and the energy of the orbit changes too much