Gulp plugin to generate translations json files for angular application from a google spreadsheet
IMPORTANT: If you do not want to use a service account, google spreadsheet must have no auth public permissions (e.g. Anyone with the link can view) and it should be explicitly published using "File > Publish to the web" menu option in the google spreadsheets GUI. this plugin is based on node-google-spreadsheet
npm install gulp-translations-from-spreadsheet --save-dev
This code will generate translation json files based on google spreadsheet:
'use strict';
var gulp = require('gulp');
var translations = require('gulp-translations-from-spreadsheet');
gulp.task('translations', function () {
return translations({
key: '1cKTLZCglRJkJR_7NGL6vPn1MHdadcLPUOMYjqVKFlB4',
sheet: 1,
colCount: 4,
firstRow: 1,
private_key_id: 'xxx',
private_key: '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\xxx\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n',
client_email: '',
client_id: '',
ignoreCommentsColumn: false,
warnOnMissingValues: true,
errorOnMissingValues: false
Type: String: mandatory
Google spreadsheet key.
1cKTLZCglRJkJR_7NGL6vPn1MHdadcLPUOMYjqVKFlB4 is a key here
Type: Number: optional, default 1
NOTE: Worksheet id, ids start at 1
It is recommended that you DELETE all unused rows and columns in your spreadsheet to optimize load time, and only create additional columns and rows when needed.
Type: Number: optional, default 1
NOTE: the index of the first row, start with 1
Type: Number: optional, default value from spreadsheet
NOTE: the number of valuable columns, it's better to specify this number, otherwise, it could be more than you expect
The following four options are required if you want to use a service account to authenticate (recommended):
Type: String: optional
The Google API private key id to use for authentication.
Type: String: optional
The Google API private key to use for authentication.
NOTE: You should never commit your private_key into your git repo. Rather you should use an ENV variable.
Type: String: optional
The Google API email to use for authentication. This account must have read access to the spreadsheet you want to pull the translations from.
Type: String: optional
The Google API client id to use for authentication.
Type: Boolean: optional, default false
If there is a column with the top cell labelled 'comments', this column will be skipped.
Type: Boolean: optional, default true
If there is a column lacking a given value, throw a warning in the console.
Type: Boolean: optional, default false
If there is a column lacking a given value, throw a fatal error and stop the task (recommended).
NOTE: there is link to alternative version of such gulp plugin