Ant Media Server Helm chart for Kubernetes
Ant Media Server installs the following
- Edge/Origin pods
- MongoDB pod
- Ingress controller
- Kubernetes >= 1.23 (You must have a Kubernetes cluster installed and be able to access it with kubectl.)
- Helm v3 (
- cert-manager (No need if you are using "" script)
Add the AMS repository to Helm:
helm repo add antmedia
helm repo update
helm install antmedia antmedia/antmedia --set origin={origin}.{} --set edge={edge}.{} --set licenseKey="YOUR_LICENSE_KEY" --namespace antmedia --create-namespace
By default, a self-singed certificate comes in the Ant Media Server Kubernetes structure that you install with Helm.
you can replace it with your own certificate as below or follow the steps below for Let's Encrypt.
kubectl create -n antmedia secret tls ${CERT_NAME} --key ${KEY_FILE} --cert ${CERT_FILE}
If you want to use your certificate created in AWS Certificate Manager, you must first install the AWS Load Balancer Controller
After the installation is complete, simply add the following parameters to the helm command.
--set --set aws.ssl.arn="arn:aws:acm:eu-west-1:1111111:certificate/a8c1-4b84-8126d6d4a21b"
Run kubectl get ingress -n antmedia
command to get your Ingress IP address and then update your DNS according to the ingress IP address and hostnames.
You can do a DNS query as follows.
dig +noall +answer
dig +noall +answer
Example output:
root@murat:~# dig +noall +answer 300 IN A x.x.x.x
If the result of this output is your Ingress IP address, your DNS has been updated so you can access via HTTPS (self-signed) or HTTP.
If you want, you can do this with the script we have prepared or manually by following the steps below.
Then wait for the certificate to be created.
If everything went well, the output of the kubectl get -n antmedia certificate
command will show the value True
as follows.
antmedia-cert-origin True antmedia-cert-origin 21m
Click here for step-by-step installation.
As an example, we are updating to version 2.6.4. Don't forget to specify the version you want to install.
kubectl patch deployment ant-media-server-origin -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"containers":[{"name":"ant-media-server","image":"antmedia/enterprise:2.6.4"}]}}}}' -n antmedia
kubectl patch deployment ant-media-server-edge -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"containers":[{"name":"ant-media-server","image":"antmedia/enterprise:2.6.4"}]}}}}' -n antmedia
Delete the Ant Media Server pods and ensure they are started with the new image.
kubectl delete pods -l app=ant-media-origin -n antmedia
kubectl delete pods -l app=ant-media-edge -n antmedia
helm delete antmedia -n antmedia
Parameter | Description | Default |
image.repository |
image repository | antmedia/enterprise |
image.tag |
image tag | latest |
origin |
Domain name of Origin server | {} |
edge |
Domain name of Edge server | {} |
hostNetwork |
If false , use turn server |
true |
mongoDB |
MongoDB host | mongo |
licenseKey |
License key | {} |
autoscalingOrigin.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage |
Target CPU utilization percentage for autoscaler for Origin | 60 |
autoscalingOrigin.minReplicas |
Minimum number of deployment replicas for the compute container. | 1 |
autoscalingOrigin.maxReplicas |
Maximum number of deployment replicas for the compute container. | 10 |
autoscalingEdge.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage |
Target CPU utilization percentage for autoscaler for Edge | 60 |
autoscalingEdge.minReplicas |
Minimum number of deployment replicas for the compute container. | 1 |
autoscalingEdge.maxReplicas |
Maximum number of deployment replicas for the compute container. | 10 |
MongoDBNodeSelector |
Node Affinity for MongoDB deployment (Default key: nodepool). | {} |
EdgeNodeSelector |
Node Affinity for AMS Edge deployment (Default key: nodepool). | {} |
OriginNodeSelector |
Node Affinity for Edge Origin deployment (Default key: nodepool). | {} |
kafkaURL |
The Kafka URL address to collect data. | {} |
OriginCpu |
Set the CPU limit for Origin Pods. | {} |
EdgeCpu |
Set the CPU limit for Edge Pods. | {} |
UseGlobalIP |
Use global(Public) IP in network communication. | true |
UseServerName |
Use Public IP as server name. | true |
ReplaceCandidateAddress |
Replace candidate address with server name. | true |
TurnStunServerURL |
TURN/STUN Server URL for the server side. It should start with "turn:URL:3478" or "stun:". | {} |
TurnUsername |
TURN Server Usermame. | {} |
TurnPassword |
TURN Server Password. | {} |
helm install antmedia antmedia/antmedia --set --set --set autoscalingEdge.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage=20 --set autoscalingEdge.minReplicas=2 --namespace antmedia --create-namespace