*This project is no longer actively developed*
Node.js and the following modules
- Please note if you experience audio disappearing after ~60 seconds, you may need to manually install a newer @discordjs/voice version
- FFMPEG is also required. Install to system path, or take a look at ffmpeg-static
It is necessary to configure Renegade.json
cd <directory>
node ./yeet.js
- Pasteboard
- Simple Local File Music Player (beta, not tested with multiple servers)
- "GUI" player and CLI variants
- Downloader (more info below)
- Chat logging
Economyreturns at a later date- Reminders
- Miscellaneous Commands
- Tested with NodeJS 18.17.1 LTS, discord.js v14.13.0, discord.js/voice v0.16.0
Users can upload songs to the song library via a file upload or an url. As this involves downloading directly to disk, there are the following limitations, mostly for security reasons:
- Uploaded files must be recognized by Discord as a video or audio format
- URLs are limited to YouTube and Soundcloud
The URL downloader is tested to work with yt-dlp, and downloads automatically to the music library, supplying the -o argument may result in unexpected behaviour. The downloader binary must be supplied, the default location is ./libs/
. The default binary file the bot will look for (file extension independent) is youtube-dl
. This, along with any additional yt-dlp arguments is configurable in Renegade.json
- Note: This is a very experemewntal feature and is likly extremely jank and may suddenly disappear.