Babel 3.0.0-beta1 (November 28, 2014)
[#77 ] Update readme.txt
[#51 ] Append URL parameters of current page if any
add &includeUnlinked property to BabelLinks, option to skip/include unlinked context
[#56 ] Emptying the MODX trash can corrupt values in modx_site_tmplvar_contentvalues
[#88 ] Skip unpublished contexts
[#82 ] Check for resourceId parameter before defaulting.
[#78 ][#62 ] added outputSeparator for BabelLinks
[#75 ] Replaced deprecated method clearCache() with refresh()
[#84 ] optimize OnResourceDuplicate
[#44 ][#29 ] Using cultureKey instead of contextKey on BabelTranslation snippet
[#70 ] fix is_folder to isfolder
[#27 ][#90 ][#92 ] Refactor language selection, runs using AJAX
[#83 ][#59 ] extend babel plugin OnResourceDuplicate for nested resources
[#67 ] italian translation
[#60 ] Added Dutch translation
[#58 ][#64 ] Fixed the error with updating a resource, at least in the quick update window
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