Convert logs into request timeline diagram
➜ go run main.go --help
-beginRegex string
regex that should have a match on beginning message
-csv string
input CSV file
-endRegex string
regex that should have a match on ending message
-fieldId string
which field will be used as ID
-fieldMsg string
which field will be used as message
-fieldTs string
which field will be used as timestamp
-format string
What should the output format be: html OR html-datadog OR OR trace-json OR trace-html (default "html")
Expose only extreme case (when most ongoing traces, ignores threshold!) (default true)
-operationRegex string
regex that should extract (as the first group) the operation name
-outFile string
Where should the output timeline diagram be placed (default "output.html")
-threshold string
what event length is minimal to consider it (default "1s")
-tsFormat string
how to parse the ts field - use Golang syntax:
Having input like this (extracted and anonimized output from DD but you should be able to get similar output from your centralized logging service):
2021-06-23T08:52:56.952Z,server-app,2021-06-23T08:52:03.302112-11758,"Request received..."
If we run the script:
go run main.go \
-csv /tmp/extract.csv \
-fieldId "Traceid" \
-fieldTs "date" \
-tsFormat "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z" \
-fieldMsg "message" \
-beginRegex "Request received" \
-endRegex "Response"
we should get as output HTML similar to this:
Which allows us to experience the timeline of the requests which take longer time or affect other requests coming in in parallel threads.