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zeit-webpage is a website build to showcase the work of a friend of mine for his diploma project. In the following I am going to explain how to modify content on the webpage. In order to do so some tools must be installed:

If these two tools are installed open the console of your computer and enter:

npm install --global gulp-cli

We are using the npm package manager to install the gulp command. [Gulp] ( is a tool for automatating tasks in the development workflow. In this project it is used to run the project on a local webserver as well as preparing code and assets to be uploaded on a webserver.

Get the project running

When these tools are installed it is time to download the repository. Use Sublime text editor and open the entire folder /zeit-webpage. Now you can see the contents of the project.

The file package.json specifies which modules (chunks of code from other developers) the project relies on. In order to install all required modules do the following:

  • open the console of your computer
  • use the command cd <folder>/<folder>/zeit-webpage to get into the folder /zeit-webpage
  • run the command npm install

Now all required modules are installed.

Run project on a local server

Run gulp command from within the /zeit-webpage folder.

The command will run tasks specified in gulpfile.js. These include visualizing the code in a browser window and refreshing the page whenever the code changes. When you modify content inside the source files keep the gulp command executed to see changes immediately reflected by your browser.

Upload website to a webserver

Before uploading the website to a webserver all assets (html, css, javascript, images) need to be optimized to make the website faster.

For optimization run the command gulp build inside of the console from within the /zeit-webpage folder. This will optimize all assets and create an optimized version ready for distribution inside the /zeit-webpage/dist folder.

Get website online

Just copy the content of /zeit-webpage/dist onto the webserver.

Modify content

Folder structure

All files that are relevant for the content of the webpage are found within /zeit-webpage/app folder. To modify the content of the webpage it is necessary to modify templates with .nunjucks extension found inside of /pages and /templates folder. Images are placed inside of the /image folder. Never modify .html files directly. These files are automatically constructed from the template files.

├── images/
├── pages/
└── templates/

Inside of the /pages folder all pages are to be found. Content that is shared between different pages is placed within /templates folder to be imported from a page. Therefore common page contents (such as the page layout or a menu) can be defined once and reused on different pages.

Remember to run the gulp command when modifying content.

Modify teaser texts

To modify the teaser text of an article go to the file zeit-webpage/app/templates/teaseritems.nunjucks.

{% call element.textualteaser('Sand', 'sand.html') -%}
  Sand ist ein Material, das in direktem Zusammenhang mit der Zeit steht. 
  Man könnte ihn fast als materialisierte Zeit bezeichnen. Auf natürliche Weise entsteht Sand nur in sehr langer Zeit..
{%- endcall %}

The function takes the headline and the filename of the article as an input as well as the text to be displayed as a teaser.

The teaser for "Einleitung" is to be found in the file /zeit-webpage/pages/index.nunjucks.

<div class="introduction teaser">
  <span class="introduction__dropcap">M</span>
    einer Arbeit zur Zeit möchte ich ein kleines Gedankenspiel voranstelllen:
    Als Kind hatte ich mir einmal ausgemalt, dass wenn ich rückwärts denken könnte..
  <a class="teaser__readmore" href="einleitung.html">WEITERLESEN</a>

Modify article text

All articles are found in the zeit-webpage/app/pages folder. The content of an article is surrounded by the <article> </article> tags.

An article has the following style elements:

Heading Big

This heading is only to be used for the introductory heading.


Heading Small

This heading is used for in-text headlines.

<h2>Erfahrungen aus der Wüste</h2>


  Die Müslipackung trotzt also nicht dem fortschreiten der Zeit, sondern ist nur Teil eines größeren Systems dessen Unordnung anwächst.


  Meiner Meinung nach ist diese Uhr viel eher eine künstlerische als gestalterische Arbeit, 
  da sie sich jeglichem effizienten Denken widersetzt
  <a target="_blank" href="">(Link Hersteller)</a>

The attribute target="_blank" specifies that the website is going to be opened within a new tab of the browser. The attribute href="..." specifies the URL of the webpage to be referenced. Inside of the anchor tags link text can be specified: <a target="_blank" href="..."> LINK TEXT HERE </a>

In-text citation

  Erst dadurch ist der Computer in der Lage schnelle Rechenvorgänge zu tätigen die
  dann wiederum von einer Quarzuhr getaktet werden. <sup><a href="#cite-note-1">[1]</a></sup>

href="#cite-note-1" is an intern link to an element specified with the id 'cite-note-1' in the reference section.


<div class="references">
      <li id="cite-note-1">Medienbildung und Zeit Seite, 40</li>
      <li id="cite-note-2">Sanduhr Buch Seite 50, Schleswig Holstein Verlag</li>

In the reference section at the end of the page all references are listed. Here it is specified where the user jumps to when clicking on an In-text citation. The field id="cite-note-1" specifies the pairing with a citation. The content of a reference can be text only <li id="cite-note-2> TEXT </li> or with a link included <li id="cite-note-2> TEXT <a target="_blank" href="http.."> LINK TEXT HERE </a></li>


<div class="quote-container">
  <div class="quote">
    „In offenen Systemen kann die Komplexität lokal anwachsen.”
  <a class="caption" href="#cite-note-4">Prof. Dr. Gernot Münster</a>


<div class="image-container">
  <img class="image-medium" src="images/die-sanduhr-roman-signer.jpg" alt="Die Sanduhr von Roman Signer">
  <a class="caption" href="#cite-note-5">Roman Signer, Sand</a>

An image can have different sizes. Image sizes are specified by the class="image-medium" attribute. There are the following image sizes:

  • image-xs
  • image-small
  • image-medium
  • image-large


<div class="video-container">
  <iframe src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  <span class="caption">Die Wüste von Chile, Maurits Boettger, 2017</span>

To change the video just enter another url at the src=" " attribute. There is just one size of videos.


A caption can belong to a quote, an image or a video.

A caption can either be a link to a reference:

<a class="caption" href="#cite-note-4">Prof. Dr. Gernot Münster</a>

A link to an external webpage:

<a class="caption" target="_blank" href="">Prof. Dr. Gernot Münster</a>

Or not clickable at all:

<span class="caption">Prof. Dr. Gernot Münster</span>

Git add commit and push to

git add -A
git commit -m "message"
git push -u origin master