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fix: add local settings to gitignore #16

fix: add local settings to gitignore

fix: add local settings to gitignore #16

name: Build and Push Docker image to Azure Container Registry
- main
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Step 1: Checkout the code from the repository
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v2
# Step 2: Set up Docker Buildx (optional, improves build performance)
- name: Set up Docker Buildx
uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1
# Step 3: Log in to Azure Container Registry
- name: Log in to Azure Container Registry
run: echo "${{ secrets.ACR_PASSWORD }}" | docker login "${{ secrets.ACR_SERVER }}" -u "${{ secrets.ACR_USERNAME }}" --password-stdin
# Step 4: Build the Docker image
- name: Build the Docker image
run: docker build -t "${{ secrets.ACR_SERVER }}/aquaapi:latest" ./api/AquaApi
# Step 5: Push the Docker image to Azure Container Registry
- name: Push the Docker image
run: docker push "${{ secrets.ACR_SERVER }}/aquaapi:latest"