This app was created to help busy parents keep track of chores their children are doing and allows them to incentivize these chores with a monetary value!
An app built to help keep kids busy during these difficult times while they are at home and allow mom and dad to continue on with their days without multiple phone calls througout the day asking what the kids can do!
- Ruby
- Sinatra
- ActiveRecord - version 4.2.6
- SQLite3 - version 1.3.6
- Bootstrap - version 4.0
**To see more about this process:**
Clone this repo to your local machine git clone <this-repo-url>
run cd sinatra-chores-project
to access
run bundle install
to install required dependencies
run rake db:migrate
to create the database tables
run shotgun
in your terminal and follow link to the correct port
- Dedicated user path for child with large icons to make using the app easy for younger children.
- Verification in place to assure editing and deleting can only be done by the creating user.
- Full CRUD capabilities for the parent to thier account as well as any accounts created by them.
To-do list:
- Create options for image attachment to chores for young children unable to read.
- Create ability to have required chores, notifications.
- Create recurring chores.
Project is in progress. Additional functionality still forthcoming.
Project inspired by my children who would no longer use an app like this but still need to learn how to do some chores. If only we had something like this when they were little maybe they would have learned how...
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at