This plugin is made to support music machine makers with making music machines in 1.12.2. Since the data of instrument and pitch of a note block cannot be showed with texture packs (as it is the case in 1.13+) tuning music machines becomes a hard and tedious task. This plugin has been created to make this easier.
Please contact EnigmA_008#1505 on discord if you have any questions of feedback.
NoteESP caches the notes played and shows pitch and instrument as block overlay.
The Tuning Mode
helps to just show the note blocks on the same y level as the player stands on so that the render of note blocks on different layers does not overlay.
The Tuning Range
indicates the number of blocks on the y-axis under the feet of the player.
If Debug
is activated the output of the note blocks is shown in chat.
– import of nbs files from Note Block Studio – AutoTuner for note blocks in music machines