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Google Puppeteer as a Dockerized HTTP-service for making screenshots.



docker pull mingalevme/screenshoter


Basic usage

docker run -d --restart always -p 8080:8080 --name screenshoter mingalevme/screenshoter

Setting Browser Launch Arguments

To pass any arguments to browser use --browser-prefix before the argument.

For example, to set Proxy Server (--proxy-server) you must provide --browser--proxy-server=VALUE-console-arg:

docker run -d --restart always -p 8080:8080 --name screenshoter mingalevme/screenshoter \

It will add --proxy-server=socks5:// to browser launch args.

Note "--" (double-dash) after --browser-prefix.

For a full list of Chromium Command Line Switches visit

Building an image

docker build -t screenshoter .
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 --name screenshoter screenshoter --metrics --metrics-collect-default

Apple Silicon

google-chrome-stable is not available for linux/arm64, so you should build and run a linux/amd64-image:

docker build --platform linux/amd64 -t screenshoter .
docker run --platform linux/amd64 --rm -p 8080:8080 --name screenshoter screenshoter2 --metrics --metrics-collect-default

Run via NodeJS (OSX with Google Chrome)

npm install
node app.js --host --port 8080 \
  --chromium-executable-path "/Applications/Google Chrome"

Then navigate to url

curl "http://localhost:8080/take?" > /tmp/screenshot.png

Docker Read-Only mode

To use the image in read-only mode you have to override some Chrome-directories :

The default values for these parameters are (mingalevme/screenshoter-docker-image):

  • XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/tmp/.chromium-config
  • XDG_CACHE_HOME=/tmp/.chromium-cache

So you have to run image with writable /tmp-dir:

docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 --read-only -v "/tmp" --name screenshoter mingalevme/screenshoter

But you can override it while docker run-command, e.g.:

docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 --read-only -v "/var/lib/chromium" -v "/var/cache/chromium" -e "XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/var/lib/chromium/config" -e "XDG_CACHE_HOME=/var/cache/chromium" --name screenshoter mingalevme/screenshoter


CLI arg EnvVar Default Comment
--chromium-executable-path SCREENSHOTER_CHROMIUM_EXECUTABLE_PATH Chromium executable path
--chromium-user-data-dir SCREENSHOTER_CHROMIUM_USER_DATA_DIR Path to a user data directory. See the Chromium docs for more info.


CLI arg EnvVar Default Comment
--logger-channel SCREENSHOTER_LOGGER_CHANNEL console Console (StdOut/StdErr)
--logger-level SCREENSHOTER_LOGGER_LEVEL debug Global default log level (debug, info, notice, warning, error, critical, alert, emergency)
--logger-console-level SCREENSHOTER_LOGGER_CONSOLE_LEVEL Console logger level


CLI arg EnvVar Default Comment
--cache-driver SCREENSHOTER_CACHE_DRIVER Cache driver (available: null, s3, filesystem)


CLI arg EnvVar Default Comment
--cache-s3-endpoint-url SCREENSHOTER_CACHE_S3_ENDPOINT_URL s3 endpoint url
--cache-s3-region SCREENSHOTER_CACHE_S3_REGION us-east-1 s3 region
--cache-s3-access-key-id SCREENSHOTER_CACHE_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID S3 access key id
--cache-s3-secret-access-key SCREENSHOTER_CACHE_S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY S3 secret access key
--cache-s3-bucket SCREENSHOTER_CACHE_S3_BUCKET S3 bucket
--cache-s3-force-path-style SCREENSHOTER_CACHE_S3_FORCE_PATH_STYLE 0 Use path-style


CLI arg EnvVar Default Comment
--cache-file-system-base-dir SCREENSHOTER_CACHE_FILE_SYSTEM_BASE_DIR $TMP/screenshoter Cache dir (/var/cache/screenshoter is a good alternative to default value)
--cache-file-system-mode SCREENSHOTER_CACHE_FILE_SYSTEM_MODE 0o666 File creation mode

Prometheus metrics

To enable export Prometheus metrics ( add --metrics arg or set SCREENSHOTER_METRICS env var.

CLI arg EnvVar Default Comment
--metrics SCREENSHOTER_METRICS Enable metrics export
--metrics-collect-default SCREENSHOTER_METRICS_COLLECT_DEFAULT Export default Prometheus NodeJS metrics
--metrics-buckets SCREENSHOTER_METRICS_BUCKETS 0.1,0.5,1,3,5,10,20 "http_request_duration_seconds" buckets


docker run -d --restart always -p 8080:8080 --name screenshoter mingalevme/screenshoter --metrics --metrics-collect-default --metrics-buckets "1,3,5,10,20,30,60"

Metrics are available on /metrics-path.

Secure Link

You can restrict access to the service via link signing ( To enable the restriction run the service with secure-link-secret arg or SCREENSHOTER_SECURE_LINK_SECRET env var, that is you private key to sign/validate links.

CLI arg EnvVar Default Comment
--secure-link-secret SCREENSHOTER_SECURE_LINK_SECRET Secret key
--secure-link-hasher SCREENSHOTER_SECURE_LINK_HASHER md5 Hasher, md5/sha1
--secure-link-signature-arg SCREENSHOTER_SECURE_SIGNATURE_ARG signature signature query param name
--secure-link-expires-arg SCREENSHOTER_SECURE_EXPIRES_ARG expires expiration query param name


docker run -d --restart always -p 8080:8080 --name screenshoter -e "SCREENSHOTER_SECURE_LINK_SECRET=secret" mingalevme/screenshoter --secure-link-hasher sha1 --secure-link-signature-arg _sig --secure-link-expires-arg _expires --secure-link-secret "secret"

NOTE the example uses both env var and arg for setting a secret, any one is enough.

API Reference

GET /take


Arg Type Required Description
url string true Absolute URL of the page to screenshot. Example: ''
timezone string true Changes the timezone of the page. Example: 'Europe/Madrid'. Details:
format string false Image file format. Supported types are png or jpeg. Defaults to png.
quality int false The quality of the image, between 1-100. Not applicable to png images.
full int false When true, takes a screenshot of the full scrollable page. Defaults to false.
device string false One of supported device, e.g. iPhone X, see for a full list of devices
viewport-width int false Width in pixels of the viewport when taking the screenshot. Using lower values like 460 can help emulate what the page looks like on mobile devices. Defaults to 800.
viewport-height int false Height in pixels of the viewport when taking the screenshot. Defaults to 600.
capture-beyond-viewport bool (int) false Capture the screenshot beyond the viewport ( Defaults to false.
transparency bool (int) false Hides default white webpage background for capturing screenshots with transparency, only works when format is png. Defaults to 0.
is-mobile bool (int) false Whether the meta viewport tag is taken into account. Defaults to false.
has-touch bool (int) false Specifies if viewport supports touch events. Defaults to false.
is-landscape bool (int) false Specifies if viewport is in landscape mode. Defaults to false.
device-scale-factor int false Sets device scale factor (basically dpr) to emulate high-res/retina displays. Number from 1 to 4. Defaults to 1.
user-agent string false Sets user agent
cookies json false List with cookies objects (, e.g. [{"name":"foo","value":"bar","domain":""}]
navigation-timeout-ms int false Maximum navigation time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass 0 to disable timeout.
timeout int false (DEPRECATED, see navigation-timeout-ms) Maximum navigation time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass 0 to disable timeout.
fail-on-timeout bool (int) false If set to false, we will take a screenshot when timeout is reached instead of failing the request. Defaults to false.
wait-until-event string false Controls when the screenshot is taken as the page loads ( Supported events include: load - window load event fired (default); domcontentloaded - DOMContentLoaded event fired; networkidle0 - wait until there are zero network connections for at least 500ms; networkidle2 - wait until there are no more than 2 network connections for at least 500ms. domcontentloaded is the fastest but riskiest option–many images and other asynchronous resources may not have loaded yet. networkidle0 is the safest but slowest option. load is a nice middle ground. Defaults to load.
wait-for-selector* string false Wait for the selector to appear in page ( Example: 'body > #my-element'.
wait-for-selector-timeout-ms int false Maximum time to wait in milliseconds. Pass 0 to disable timeout. Defaults to 30 seconds. Example: '5000'.
fail-on-wait-for-selector-timeout bool (int) false If set to false, we will take a screenshot when timeout is reached instead of failing the request. Defaults to false.
wait-for-xpath* string false Wait for the xpath to appear in page ( Example: '//*[@id="my-element"]/div'.
wait-for-xpath-timeout-ms int false Maximum time to wait in milliseconds. Pass 0 to disable timeout. Defaults to 30 seconds. Example: '5000'.
fail-on-wait-for-xpath-timeout bool (int) false If set to false, we will take a screenshot when timeout is reached instead of failing the request. Defaults to false.
wait-for-function* string false Waits for a function to finish evaluating in the page's context ( Example: 'window.innerWidth < 100'.
wait-for-function-timeout-ms int false Maximum time to wait in milliseconds. Pass 0 to disable timeout. Defaults to 30 seconds. Example: '5000'.
wait-for-function-polling int or str false An interval at which the pageFunction is executed, defaults to raf ( Example: '100'.
fail-on-wait-for-function-timeout bool (int) false If set to false, we will take a screenshot when timeout is reached instead of failing the request. Defaults to false.
delay-ms int false If set, we'll wait for the specified number of seconds after the page load event before taking a screenshot.
delay int false (DEPRECATED, delay-ms) If set, we'll wait for the specified number of seconds after the page load event before taking a screenshot.
scroll-page-to-bottom bool (int) false (thx Scroll the page to the bottom (
scroll-page-to-bottom-size int false (scroll-page-to-bottom) Number of pixels to scroll on each step (default: 250).
scroll-page-to-bottom-delay-ms int false (scroll-page-to-bottom) Delay in ms after each completed scroll step (default: 100).
scroll-page-to-bottom-steps-limit int false (scroll-page-to-bottom) Max number of steps to scroll.
element string false Query selector of element to screenshot. Example: 'Body > div'
width int false If resulted image's width is greater than provided value then image will be proportionally resized to provided width. This action runs before max-height checking. Defaults to 0 (do not resize).
max-height int false If resulted image's height is greater than provided value then image's height will be cropped to provided value. Defaults to 0 (do not crop).
ttl int false If last cached screenshot was made less than provided seconds then the cached image will be returned otherwise image will be cached for future use.
proxy string false Proxy server(anonymous only) with optional port to use for all requests (BrowserContextOptions.proxyServer).
proxy-bypass-list string false Comma-separated list of hosts to bypass the proxy (BrowserContextOptions.proxyBypassList).

wait-for-* checks (wait-for-selector, wait-for-xpath, wait-for-function) are performed sequentially and not simultaneous because of the complexity of error handling.



If you got page crash with BUS_ADRERR (chromium issue), increase shm-size on docker run with --shm-size argument

docker run --shm-size 1G mingalevme/screenshoter

Navigation errors (unreachable url, ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED)

If you're seeing random navigation errors (unreachable url) it's likely due to ipv6 being enabled in docker. Navigation errors are caused by ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED (-21) in chromium. Disable ipv6 in your container using --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 to fix:

docker run --shm-size 1G --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 mingalevme/screenshoter

SSH to container

docker run --rm -it --entrypoint /bin/bash --user root mingalevme/screenshoter
