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4.5 Basic Series

Mingsong Li edited this page May 21, 2019 · 5 revisions


A GUI calculates the insolation using various astronomical solutions. Based on the MatLab code inso.m by Jonathan Levine (2001), UC Berkeley. This code was modified by Peter Huybers (Harvard) and edited by Mingsong Li (Penn State, 2018) for the Acycle software.

Only insolation series younger than 249,000 k.a. are available.

Shortcut keys

  • [Mac]: ⌘ + 1
  • [Windows]: Ctrl + 1

This GUI generates mean daily insolation series on March 21 for the past 1000 kyr (1-1000) at 65°N using the Laskar et al. (2004) solutions. The calculate uses a solar constant of 1365 w/m^2.

This GUI generates mean insolation map (movie below) from March 21 to Sept. 23 for the past 100 kyr (1-100) at 50-80°N using the Laskar et al. (2004) solutions. The calculate uses a solar constant of 1365 w/m^2.

Astronomical Solution

A GUI generates astronomical solutions of Laskar et al. (2004); Laskar et al. (2011), and Zeebe (2017).

Shortcut keys

  • [Mac]: ⌘ + 2
  • [Windows]: Ctrl + 2

This GUI generates ETP series (standardized eccentricity, tilt, and precession, weights are 1, 1, and -1, respectively) for the past 1 million years from 1 k.a. throughout 1000 k.a. using the La2004 solution (Laskar et al., 2004).

Signal/Noise Generator [Since Acycle v1.2]

A toolbox generating a 2-column time series of signal and noise using either pre-defined first column or user-defined first column.

Signal and noise models include (image below) polynomial, sine wave (or cosine wave), white noise, and red noise.

Shortcut keys

  • [Mac]: ⌘ + 3
  • [Windows]: Ctrl + 3


Generate a line using user-defined coefficients of a polynomial.

Sine wave

Generate a sine wave using user-defined parameters and the following equation:

Y = A * sin(2π / T * X + Ph) + bias

Where A is amplitude, T is period, X is a time series ranges from t1 to t2 and a sampling rate of dt, Ph is the phase, and bias is signal bias.

This GUI generates a sine wave from 0 to 1000 unit with a sampling rate of 1 unit. Its amplitude is 1, with a period of 100 unit and zero phase shift and 0 signal bias.

White Noise

This function generates white noise with either normal distribution or random distribution using user-defined mean value and standard deviation.

Red Noise

This function generates the red noise using user-defined mean value, standard deviation, and autocorrelation coefficient (RHO-1 or α, from 0 to 1).

1. Pre-defined first column signal or noise

It will read the selected data file and copy the first column. Then it will generate the 2nd column using a user-selected signal or noise model. If a data file is selected in the Acycle, users won’t have access to change the first column. For example,

Step 1: In the Acycle main window, select “Basic Series” – “Examples” – “Example-WayaoCarnianGR0.txt”.

Step 2: Select the newly generated file: “Example-WayaoCarnianGR0.txt”, and then click “Basic Series” – “Signal/Noise Generator”.

Step 3: Select “Sine Wave”, and set the period to 50 m. A sine wave will be displayed in the lower part of the “Acycle: Signal/Noise Generator”.

Step 4: Click “Save Data”. A sine wave data file will be saved and displayed in the Acycle main window.

2. User-defined first column signal or noise

It will generate both the first and the second columns using user-selected models. For example,

Step 1: In the Acycle main window, de-select any data file.

Step 2: Click “Basic Series” – “Signal/Noise Generator”.

Step 3: Set X axis from 0 to 500 with a step of 1. Select “Red Noise” and set the mean to 5, alpha = 0.5. A red noise will be displayed in the lower part of the “Acycle: Signal/Noise Generator”.

Step 4: Click “Save Data”. A sine wave data file will be saved and displayed in the Acycle main window.

Red noise series with a lag-1 auto-correlation coefficient (ρ) of 0.5. It looks like a climate series!

LR04 Stack

This function generates the classical LR04 stack of the Plio-Pleistocene benthic d18O record (Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005). The input time (below) should be within the interval of 0 and 5320 (k.a.).

Shortcut keys

  • [Mac]: ⌘ + 4
  • [Windows]: Ctrl + 4

This GUI generates LR04 stack from 0 to 5320 k.a.

Sine Wave [replaced by Signal/Noise Generator since Acycle v1.2]

Generate a sine wave using user-defined parameters and the following equation:

Y = A * sin(2π / T * X + Ph) + bias

Where A is amplitude, T is period, X is a time series ranges from t1 to t2 and a sampling rate of dt, Ph is the phase, and bias is signal bias.

White Noise [replaced by Signal/Noise Generator since Acycle v1.2]

This function generates the white noise.

Red Noise [replaced by Signal/Noise Generator since Acycle v1.2]

This function generates the red noise using user-defined standard deviation, and autocorrelation coefficient (RHO-1, from 0 to 1).

Shortcut keys

  • [Mac]: ⌘ + 3
  • [Windows]: Ctrl + 3

This GUI generates a sine wave from 1 to 1000 unit with a sampling rate of 1 unit. Its amplitude is 1, with a period of 100 unit and zero phase shift and 0 signal bias.


This function load various example data file to the working folder and show the data simultaneously. The example data includes:

(1) Mauna Loa CO2 monthly mean

This data set includes carbon dioxide measurements (monthly mean value) at the Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii from 1958 to 2018.

It will load and save a text file entitled: “Example-LaunaLoa-Hawaii-CO2-monthly-mean.txt”.


(2) Insolation 0-2Ma 65N Jun22

This data set includes insolation intensity data at latitude of 65 ° N on June 22 of each year over the past 2 million years, with a step of 1 kyr.

It will load and save a text file entitled: “Example-Insol-t-0-2000ka-day-80-lat-65-meandaily-La04.txt”.

(3) La2004 0-2Ma ETP

This data set includes La2004 (Laskar et al., 2004) ETP (eccentricity, tilt, and precession) data over the past 2 million years, with a step of 1 kyr.

It will load and save a text file entitled: “Example-La2004-1E.5T-1P-0-2000.txt”.

(4) Red Noise rho=0.7 2000 points

This data set includes a red noise time series with 2000 datapoints and a lag-1 autocorrelation coefficient of 0.7.

It will load and save a text file entitled: “Example-Rednoise0.7-2000.txt”.

(5) PETM Svalbard logFe

This data set includes log-transformed iron series for the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum event in the Svalbard (Charles et al., 2011).

It will load and save a text file entitled: “Example-SvalbardPETM-logFe.txt”.

(6) Late Triassic Newark Depth Rank

This data set includes depth rank series from the Late Triassic in the Newark Basin of the USA (Olsen and Kent, 1996).

It will load and save a text file entitled: “Example-LateTriassicNewarkDepthRank.txt”.

(7) Late Triassic Wayao gamma ray

This data set includes gamma ray series from the Late Triassic (middle Carnian) Wayao section of South China (Zhang et al., 2015).

It will load and save a text file entitled: “Example-WayaoCarnianGR0.txt”.

(8) Middle Triassic Guandao2 gamma ray

This data set includes gamma ray series from the Middle Triassic Guandao section of South China (Li et al., 2018b).

It will load and save a text file entitled: “Example-Guandao2AnisianGR.txt”.

(9) Image from Mars’ HiRISE camera

This data set includes an image from Mars’ HiRISE camera.

It will show and save an image file entitled: “Example-HiRISE-PSP_002733_1880_RED.jpg”.


(10) Image for Plot Digitizer

This includes an image for the demonstration of the “Plot Digitizer” function.

It will show and save an image file entitled: “Example-PlotDigitizer.jpg”.

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