Manage your dotfiles across all your devices
ckdots manage your dotfiles by move them to a central config dir, you can simply sharing this config dir across all you devices
If this is the first time you use ckdots, just invoke the following command to install it,
git clone
./ckdots/bin/ckdots init
To save dotfile, i.e. .gemrc
ckdots add .gemrc
Show current status of all your dotfiles
ckdots status
If you already have a config dir(defauts at ~/.ckdots), and want to restore the saved config on another machine.
First, download your config dir into ~/.ckdots, i.e. if your dir is tracked under git
git clone ~/.ckdots
Then initialize the with
git clone
./ckdots/bin/ckdots init
Now you all you configs will be installed on your new device.
ckdots will save all your config into ~/.ckdots dir, you can simply put this dir in your Cloud Disk or track it with git.
config dir is controlled with environment variable CKDOTS_CONFIG
For example, when you restore the ckdots on a new device, and you exsiting config is saved in Dropbox at path /Dropbox/cli.config/. Then restore with
CKDOTS_CONFIG=/Dropbox/cli.config/ ./path/to/ckdots/bin/ckdots init
- init, install ckdots on a new machine
- add, save specifed dotfile
- checkout, restore previous saved dotfile
- ls, list all saved dotfile
- status, show current status of dotfiles
- help, print this help
Create a dedicated home volume
docker volume create home
Then install the ckdots into home volume with
docker run -it --rm -vhome:/root quanlong/ckdots <github_username> <github_password_or_token> <github_repo> [dots]
i.e. install .vim and .vimrc/ with
docker run -it --rm -vhome:/root quanlong/ckdots cybertk secret cybertk/ckdots-config .vim/ .vimrc
Then enjoy with your dots environment by attching the home volume
docker run -it --rm -vckdots:/root ubuntu:14.04 /bin/bash --login
ck-dots is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.