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Floating Point Unit Verilog

IEEE 754 Floating Point Unit written in Verilog


  • g++ compiler
  • Modelsim

How to run (Windows)

1. Compile test.cpp file using g++ compiler.

g++ -o test.exe test.cpp

For more information about the program after compilation, type

.\test.exe --help

2. Generate test case using:

.\test.exe --gen
  • On your terminal you should see:
Number of cases to generate:
  • Enter the number of cases you want to generate. Let's take an example of 10 The output should be:
Number of cases to generate:  10
Input testbench file generated successfully!
Input testbench file are saved as tb_input_gen.txt
  • You should see file tb_input_gen.txt and tb_output_gen.txt in your directory.

3. Simulation:

  • Open Modelsim
  • Change project directory to this code folder
  • Add all the verilog code to the project
  • In file fpu_tb.v on line 2, you should see:
parameter NUM_CASES = 10;
  • Change the NUM_CASES according to the number of cases you gen before.
  • Compile the code and simualte.
  • (Optional) If you want to see waveform of the FPU, you go to File -> Load -> Macro File and choose file from the project directory.
  • Use run -all command in Verilog console or press Run -All button in the toolbar.
  • The code will automatically stop running after loop through all test cases.
  • You should see an output file named output_tb_fpu.txt in your directory.

4. Evaluation:

  • Because of our Verilog is not good enough, you have to manually delete the first line of FPU generated file named output_tb_fpu.txt
  • Rerun the test.exe program with the following command:
.\test.exe --eval
  • The terminal will display the nunber of errors if any along with the line that is differences from ground truth.
  • If all the test cases are passed you will see Test passed! on your terminal.


IEEE 754 Floating Point Unit written in Verilog






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