Version 4.4.0
- 8ec40df update v4.3.8 -> v4.4.0
- 5040481 Release v4.4.0 (#957)
- 42ed335 update encryption deployment examples and remove typos
- 1232fdb testing support for 'mc admin info minio/' (#958)
- 7e1998d Basic Tenant deployment script (#953)
- 7a5e842 Add ingressClassName support to minio-console (#906)
- 88f7349 avoid error when chmod fails, continue instead (#948)
- 8a9691d fix: prometheusName CLI while parsing flags (#951)
- 4c90901 helm: add liveness, readiness configuration (#946)
- d8626fe remove broken codeql
- f844ce2 update helm version v4.3.9
- 29457cd helm: fix passed console env vars indentation (#944)
- 7af9c5a update CREDITS file for logsearchapi
- 960ba41 update CREDITS file for kubectl-plugin
- 0b66309 update CREDITS file
- 2c487a7 create prometheus addl config for prometheus-operator (#920)