A simple starter kit to start writing form based node app with the gov uk front end toolkit.
The easiest way to get started is to use docker compose to download and run the three required containers.
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up
for detailed instructions see https://dsdmoj.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/NFS/overview
You can log in with users stored in the seeded nomis oauth db e.g. CA_USER, password123456
The app authenticates using nomis Nomis Oauth2 Server
and saves to a Postgres database.
npm run build
Install dependencies using npm install
ensure you are using >= Node v10.15.3
In config.js you can see all the required variables. These are set with defaults that will allow the application to run, but you will need to add a .env
file at some point.
npm run start
npm run lint
npm run test