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Serve OPG

Path to Live

PHP 8.1 & Symfony 5.4


Software to download and install

Generate Certificates

Launch the following commands from the project directory

# Generate self-signed certificate for the local loadbalancer

# Add certificate to your local trust store to avoid browser warnings
sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot \
-k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain serve-web/certs/web.crt

Build and Run Serve Locally

Starting from scratch

On first build you should run:

make initialise

This builds all the containers, installs the JS and PHP dependencies, brings up the app and resets the fixture data.

The app will be available locally at:


Working with local environment

To get a full list of commands for working with serve type:

make help

From here you will get commands to bring the app up, take it down and run the various tests.

Dev and prod mode

The app runs in prod mode as default due to APP_ENV=prod APP_DEBUG=false being set in .env. To run in dev mode, and enable the Symfony web profiler toolbar, bring the app up using docker-compose.local.yml:

make up-dev

Note - this will also enable xdebug which can make the test suite run slowly. If you encounter slow test runs then revert to running the app in prod mode.

Front end assets

Assets are compiled using Symfony Webpack Encore run via a yarn command.

When running make dependencies then you should get the volume mounted assets created locally as well.

Database Migrations

Migrate is run as part of app start up but to manually run migrations you can run the following commands:

# Database migrations
# Generate migration script between entities and schema
docker compose run --rm app php bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff

# Generate blank migration script
docker compose run --rm app php bin/console doctrine:migrations:generate

# Example: run migration version 20181019141515
docker compose run --rm app php bin/console doctrine:migrations:execute 20181019141515


There are two suites of tests:

  • Unit tests
  • Integration tests (behat tests)

You can run the tests with their respective make commands. There is more detailed information on updating and working with tests in the testing and debugging docs.