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Mintlayer Wallet Command Line
Enrico Rubboli edited this page Sep 15, 2023
6 revisions
- Wallet Management
- Blockchain Information
- Accounts and Addresses
- Staking and Pools
- Token and Coins Management
- Network
- REPL and Miscellaneous
- createwallet: Create a new wallet
- openwallet: Open existing wallet
- closewallet: Close wallet file
- encryptprivatekeys: Encrypts the private keys with a new password (wallet must be unlocked)
- removeprivatekeysencryption: Remove any existing encryption (wallet must be unlocked)
- unlockprivatekeys: Unlock private keys
- lockprivatekeys: Lock private keys
- showseedphrase: Show the seed phrase for the loaded wallet (if saved)
- purgeseedphrase: Delete the seed phrase from the loaded wallet (if saved)
- chainstateinfo: Returns the node chainstate
- bestblock: Returns the current best block hash
- bestblockheight: Returns the current best block height
- blockid: Get a block ID at height
- getblock: Get a block by its hash
- generateblock: Generate a block with given transactions to specified reward destination
- generateblocks: Generate multiple blocks
- submitblock: Submit a block to be included in the chain
- createnewaccount: Creates a new account
- selectaccount: Select a wallet account for usage
- newaddress: Generate a new unused address
- showreceiveaddresses: Display existing receiving addresses
- newpublickey: Generate a new unused public key
- submittransaction: Submits a transaction to mempool and broadcasts if valid
- abandontransaction: Abandon an unconfirmed transaction
- syncwallet: Sync wallet
- listpendingtransactions: List pending transactions that can be abandoned
- startstaking: Start staking
- stopstaking: Stop staking
- stakepoolbalance: Get stake pool balance
- listpoolids: List available Pool Ids
- listdelegationids: List available Delegation Ids with their balances
- createdelegation: Create a delegation
- delegatestaking: Delegate staking
- sendfromdelegationtoaddress: Send from delegation to address
- createstakepool: Create a stake pool
- decommissionstakepool: Decommission a stake pool
- getvrfpublickey: Get VRF public key
- issuenewtoken: Issue a new token
- issuenewnft: Issue a new NFT
- sendtoaddress: Send to an address
- sendtokenstoaddress: Send tokens to an address
- getbalance: Get wallet balance
- listutxo: List unspent transaction outputs
- connect: Connect to the remote peer
- disconnect: Disconnect the remote peer
- listbanned: List banned addresses
- ban: Ban address
- unban: Unban address
- peercount: Get connected peer count
- connectedpeers: Get connected peers
- addreservedpeer: Add reserved peer
- removereservedpeer: Remove reserved peer
- rescan: Rescan
- nodeversion: Node version
- nodeshutdown: Node shutdown
- exit: Quit the REPL
- history: Print history
- clear: Clear screen
- clearhistory: Clear history
- help: Print help message or the help of given subcommand(s)