Packet converter between LoRa@FIIT and STIOT protocols
Avalaible also here:
- Install lora_gateway in /opt/fiitap/lora_gateway
- Move files to /opt/fiitap/PacketConverter
- Run ./ as root (sudo) script with or without parameters
- without parameter install to local folder.
- daemon = install systemd service.
- clear = remove all instaled files.
How to use
- Reset LoRa concentrator before starting (use script
- Run application ./packet_converter
- Close application by pressing CTRL+C
Config files
config.json is file to set program
setr.json is file containing SETR message for server
seta.json is testing file for running application without server (response to SETR message)
rega.json is testing file for running application without server (response to registration of end device)
/inc/config.h is for setting offline and debug mode