This maven plugin provides a wagon that is capable of downloading nuget artifacts. It is mainly intended to be used with the c# maven plugin, however it can be used without it. It provides a wagon capable of to download packages from nuget that are specified as dependencies. For this to work the plugin needs to activated with extensions:
and nuget needs to be added to the projects repositories:
<name>microsoft nuget repository</name>
Note that the url starts with nuget. This is mavens hint to activate the nuget-maven-plugins wagon to
. Now a dependency can be specified that references an artifact from nuget,
for example newtonsoft.json:
Since maven artifacts have a groupId
and an artifactId
and nuget artifacts simply have an id, it is good practice
writing the same to groupId and artifactId, however only the groupId is
important - the artifactId gets ignored. As a result the dependency above will instruct the plugin to download
newtonsonft.json in version 12.0.1 from nuget to the local maven repository. In fact, it will do a little more: it
will download the complete nupkg-package and unpack the dll.