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Naoki Takezoe edited this page Oct 23, 2021 · 27 revisions

2.1.2 - 23 October 2021

  • merged all modules to the core project as Gradle subprojects for ease of development and management

2.1.1 - 10 October 2021

  • Fix HikariCP issue

2.1.0 - 4 November 2018

  • project was split into several modules:
    • miragesql (the core)
    • miragesql-test (testing framework)
    • miragesql-tools (tooling)
    • miragesql-integration (integration framework)
  • added new Groovy and XML Entity Generation support to miragesql-tools too. See the WIKI Documentation for more details.
  • added experimental "Map as an Entity" support.

2.0.0 - 27 October 2017

  • refactored package names from jp.sf.amateras.mirage to com.miragesql.miragesql
  • migrated from JUL to SLF4J logging
  • added HikariCP as an alternative connection pool
  • deprecated code from Mirage-SQL =<1.2.5 was removed in the new major version 2.0.0

1.3.0 - 25 April 2017

1.2.5 - 11 April 2017

  • Maven POM updates

1.2.4 - 09 February 2017

  • Iterable is available as bind object
  • Add JndiSession
  • Add minimal Dialect support for SQLite, Derby, SQLServer and DB2 databases

1.2.3 - 24 May 2014

  • Add SessionFactory#getSession(Properties)
  • Improve SpringConnectionProvider
  • Specify UTF-8 for conversion from SQL string to bytes in StringSqlResource#getInputStream

1.2.2 - 22 Dec 2013

  • Update depended libraries
  • Add placeHolder attribute to @Column

1.2.1 - 9 Nov 2013

  • Initial release to the Maven central repository

1.2.0 - 8 Sep 2013

  • Added enum property type support which contains some internal interface changes.
  • Apply Bootstrap theme to the generated Maven site.
  • Added H2Dialect.

1.1.6 - 15 Nov 2012

  • Small bug fix and improvements regarding extendibility.

1.1.5 - 15 Apr 2012

  • Improve: DefaultResultEntityCreator can find @Column annotation if ResultSetMetaData#columnName and Column#name's letter case does not match.
  • Fixed: Invalid dependency of TransactionInterceptor in MirageModule.

1.1.4 - 27 Jan 2012

  • Added RailsLikeNameConverter as an optional NameConverter.
  • Added FieldPropertyExtractor as an optional implementation of PropertyExtractor.
  • BugFix: Avoid depending on JDBC 4.0 (Java6) API in DefaultValueType
  • Chopping semicolon from the end of the SQL file.
  • Improve: Avoid using type Exception/RuntimeException to make interfaces intension revealing
  • Added SqlManagerImpl#setValueTypes to make it easier to configure valueTypes using Spring framework
  • BugFix: PropertyExtractor extracts static or final field
  • Improvement: DefaultResultEntityCreator just requires no-argument constructor. It really doesn't matter if the constructor is public.
  • Improvement: Make ValueType parametrized. If you implement custom ValueTypes, these is not compatible in this version.
  • Added BreakIterationException to discontinue iteration search.
  • BugFix: @Column is available for the select query.

1.1.3 - 6 Aug 2011

  • Added SchemaUpdater and SchemaUpdateListener to update database schema automatically.
  • Added Session#setRollbackOnly() and Session#isRollbackOnly() to rollback transaction without exception.
  • SQL parsing result caching for performance improvement. You can control cache mode via SqlManagerImpl#setCacheMode().
  • Oracle optimizer hint support in 2WaySQL
  • Added ResultEntityCreator interface to extends SqlManager.
  • Added PropertyExtractor interface to extends BeanDesc.

1.1.2 - 1 May 2011

  • Added DBCPSessionImpl to provide connection pooling for standalone usage.
  • Added TransactionInterceptor and @Transactional for Guice Integration.
  • MockSqlManager came to support stored procedure / function.

1.1.1 - 19 Jan 2011

  • Automatic dialect configuration by the connection URL in JDBCSessionImpl.
  • jdbc.driver in became omitable for JDBC 4.0 driver.

1.1.0 - 15 Jan 2011

  • Primary key generation support
    • @PrimaryKey annotation has new attributes generationType and generator.
    • The generationType attribute supports GenerationType.APPLICATION, GenerationType.IDENTIY and GenerationType.SEQAUENCE.
    • The persistent attribute of @PrimaryKey annotation has been removed.
  • Improvement of unit testing support
    • Verification methods of MirageTestContext have been enhanced.
  • New ConnectionProvider and Dialect
    • Added JNDIDataSourceConnectionProvider and JNDIXADataSourceConnectionProvider to obtain a data source from JNDI.
    • Added MySQLDialect for MySQL support.

1.0.6 - 2 Jan 2011

  • Unit Testing support
    • Added MockSqlManager which is used in unit testing instead of SqlManager.
  • Ant Task
    • Added EntityGenTask for entity generation.

1.0.5 - 5 Oct 2010

  • Added new methods to SqlManager for batch insert/update/delete entities:
    • SqlManager#insertBatch()
    • SqlManager#updateBatch()
    • SqlManager#deleteBatch()
  • BugFix: NullPointerException which is caused in conversion from NULL column value to java.util.Date.
  • Possible to specify @In, @Out, @InOut, @ResultSet for setter / getter methods.
  • Added new annotations: @Table and @Column. These annotations are used to specify table and column name.
  • Entity Generation Tool (Experimental). See the EntityGen javadoc to know how to use it.

1.0.4 - 1 Sep 2010

  • JavaSE 5 support (Mirage 1.0.3 and before work with only JavaSE6)
  • BugFix: Map which contains null properties causes NullPointerException in SqlManager#executeUpdate()
  • BugFix: When the column value is NULL then Mirage sets the default value of primitive types to entity wrapper type properties.
  • Added new methods to SqlManager for direct SQL execution:
    • SqlManager#getResultListBySql()
    • SqlManager#getSingleResultBySql()
    • SqlManager#iterateBySql()
    • SqlManager#executeUpdateBySql()

1.0.3 - 15 Jun 2010

  • Iteration search per a record using cursor.
  • Stored procedure / function support.
  • BugFix about SqlManager#insertEntity().

1.0.2 - 8 May 2010

  • Dependency to Spring Framework and Guice became optional.
  • Dependency to the patched OGNL changed to OGNL 2.7.3.
  • BugFix about BLOB support.

1.0.1 - 2 May 2010

  • Use java.util.logging instead of slf4j / logback to remove them from dependency.
  • Simple example and documentation for Google Guice integration.
  • It's possible to specify a transient property by transient modifier instead of @Transient annotation.
  • Added new method SqlManager#findEntity(Class clazz, Object... id)
  • Added new method SqlManager#getCount(String sqlPath[, Object param])
  • ValueType interface to add custom value type support
  • BLOB support

1.0.0 - 20 Apr 2010

  • Initial Release.