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lyrm committed Feb 8, 2021
2 parents 9e19c11 + 1929592 commit 81a1fe5
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Showing 105 changed files with 4,351 additions and 4,238 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion .github/workflows/workflow.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ jobs:
uses: actions-ml/setup-ocaml@master
ocaml-version: ${{ matrix.ocaml-version }}
dune-cache: true
opam-depext: false
opam-pin: false

Expand Down
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions .ocamlformat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1,5 @@
version = 0.15.0
disable = true
version = 0.16.0
profile = conventional
break-infix = fit-or-vertical
parse-docstrings = true
module-item-spacing = compact
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
## current

- Remove dependency to base (@samoht #745)
- fix opam files and dependencies
- add GitHub Actions workflow (@smorimoto #739)
- lwt_jsoo: Forward exceptions to caller when response is null (@mefyl #738)
Expand Down
15 changes: 8 additions & 7 deletions cohttp-async/bin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,13 +24,15 @@ let show_headers h =
let make_net_req uri meth' body () =
let meth = Cohttp.Code.method_of_string meth' in
let uri = Uri.of_string uri in
let headers = Cohttp.Header.of_list [ "connection", "close" ] in
let headers = Cohttp.Header.of_list [ ("connection", "close") ] in meth ~headers ~body:Body.(of_string body) uri
>>= fun (res, body) ->
show_headers (Cohttp.Response.headers res);
|> Body.to_pipe
|> Pipe.iter ~f:(fun b -> Stdlib.print_string b; return ())
|> Pipe.iter ~f:(fun b ->
Stdlib.print_string b;
return ())

let _ =
(* enable logging to stdout *)
Expand All @@ -42,10 +44,9 @@ let _ =
+> anon ("url" %: string)
+> flag "-X" (optional_with_default "GET" string)
~doc:" Set HTTP method"
+> flag "data-binary" (optional_with_default "" string)
~doc:" Data to send when using POST"
+> flag "-X" (optional_with_default "GET" string) ~doc:" Set HTTP method"
+> flag "data-binary"
(optional_with_default "" string)
~doc:" Data to send when using POST")
|> run
164 changes: 84 additions & 80 deletions cohttp-async/bin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,87 +18,84 @@
open Base
open Async_kernel
open Async_unix

open Cohttp_async
open Cohttp_server

let method_filter meth (res,body) = match meth with
| `HEAD -> return (res,`Empty)
| _ -> return (res,body)
let method_filter meth (res, body) =
match meth with `HEAD -> return (res, `Empty) | _ -> return (res, body)

let serve_file ~docroot ~uri =
Server.resolve_local_file ~docroot ~uri
|> Server.respond_with_file
Server.resolve_local_file ~docroot ~uri |> Server.respond_with_file

let serve ~info ~docroot ~index uri path =
(* Get a canonical filename from the URL and docroot *)
let file_name = Server.resolve_local_file ~docroot ~uri in
try_with (fun () ->
Unix.stat file_name
>>= fun stat ->
Logs.debug (fun f -> f "%s" (Sexp.to_string_hum (Unix.Stats.sexp_of_t stat)));
match stat.Unix.Stats.kind with
(* Get a list of current files and map to HTML *)
| `Directory -> begin
let path_len = String.length path in
if Int.(path_len <> 0) && Char.(path.[path_len - 1] <> '/')
then Server.respond_with_redirect (Uri.with_path uri (path^"/"))
(* Check if the index file exists *)
else Sys.file_exists (file_name / index)
>>= function
| `Yes -> (* Serve the index file directly *)
let uri = Uri.with_path uri (path / index) in
serve_file ~docroot ~uri
| `No | `Unknown -> (* Do a directory listing *)
Sys.ls_dir file_name
>>= ~f:(fun f ->
let file_name = file_name / f in
try_with (fun () ->
Unix.stat file_name
>>| fun stat -> (Some stat.Unix.Stats.kind, stat.Unix.Stats.size, f)
) >>| function Ok v -> v | Error _ -> (None, 0L, f))
>>= fun listing ->
html_of_listing uri path (sort ((Some `Directory,0L,"..")::listing)) info
|> Server.respond_string
(* Serve the local file contents *)
| `File -> serve_file ~docroot ~uri
(* Any other file type is simply forbidden *)
| `Socket | `Block | `Fifo | `Char | `Link ->
Server.respond_string ~status:`Forbidden
(html_of_forbidden_unnormal path info)
>>= (function
Unix.stat file_name >>= fun stat ->
Logs.debug (fun f ->
f "%s" (Sexp.to_string_hum (Unix.Stats.sexp_of_t stat)));
match stat.Unix.Stats.kind with
(* Get a list of current files and map to HTML *)
| `Directory -> (
let path_len = String.length path in
if Int.(path_len <> 0) && Char.(path.[path_len - 1] <> '/') then
Server.respond_with_redirect (Uri.with_path uri (path ^ "/"))
(* Check if the index file exists *)
Sys.file_exists (file_name / index) >>= function
| `Yes ->
(* Serve the index file directly *)
let uri = Uri.with_path uri (path / index) in
serve_file ~docroot ~uri
| `No | `Unknown ->
(* Do a directory listing *)
Sys.ls_dir file_name
>>= ~f:(fun f ->
let file_name = file_name / f in
try_with (fun () ->
Unix.stat file_name >>| fun stat ->
(Some stat.Unix.Stats.kind, stat.Unix.Stats.size, f))
>>| function
| Ok v -> v
| Error _ -> (None, 0L, f))
>>= fun listing ->
html_of_listing uri path
(sort ((Some `Directory, 0L, "..") :: listing))
|> Server.respond_string)
(* Serve the local file contents *)
| `File -> serve_file ~docroot ~uri
(* Any other file type is simply forbidden *)
| `Socket | `Block | `Fifo | `Char | `Link ->
Server.respond_string ~status:`Forbidden
(html_of_forbidden_unnormal path info))
>>= function
| Ok res -> return res
| Error exn ->
begin match Monitor.extract_exn exn with
| Unix.Unix_error (Unix.Error.ENOENT, "stat", p) ->
if String.equal p ("((filename "^file_name^"))") (* Really? *)
then Server.respond_string ~status:`Not_found
(html_of_not_found path info)
else raise exn
| _ -> raise exn
| Error exn -> (
match Monitor.extract_exn exn with
| Unix.Unix_error (Unix.Error.ENOENT, "stat", p) ->
if String.equal p ("((filename " ^ file_name ^ "))") (* Really? *)
Server.respond_string ~status:`Not_found
(html_of_not_found path info)
else raise exn
| _ -> raise exn)

(** HTTP handler *)
let handler ~info ~docroot ~index ~body:_ _sock req =
let uri = Cohttp.Request.uri req in
let path = Uri.path uri in
(* Log the request to the console *)
printf "%s %s%!"
(Cohttp.(Code.string_of_method (Request.meth req)))
printf "%s %s%!" Cohttp.(Code.string_of_method (Request.meth req)) path;
match Request.meth req with
| (`GET | `HEAD) as meth ->
serve ~info ~docroot ~index uri path
>>= method_filter meth
serve ~info ~docroot ~index uri path >>= method_filter meth
| meth ->
let meth = Cohttp.Code.string_of_method meth in
let allowed = "GET, HEAD" in
let headers = Cohttp.Header.of_list ["allow", allowed] in
Server.respond_string ~headers ~status:`Method_not_allowed
(html_of_method_not_allowed meth allowed path info)
let meth = Cohttp.Code.string_of_method meth in
let allowed = "GET, HEAD" in
let headers = Cohttp.Header.of_list [ ("allow", allowed) ] in
Server.respond_string ~headers ~status:`Method_not_allowed
(html_of_method_not_allowed meth allowed path info)

let determine_mode cert_file_path key_file_path =
(* Determines if the server runs in http or https *)
Expand All @@ -110,31 +107,38 @@ let determine_mode cert_file_path key_file_path =
let start_server docroot port index cert_file key_file verbose () =
(* enable logging to stdout *)
Fmt_tty.setup_std_outputs ();
Logs.set_level @@ if verbose then (Some Logs.Debug) else (Some Logs.Info);
Logs.set_level @@ if verbose then Some Logs.Debug else Some Logs.Info;
Logs.set_reporter (Logs_fmt.reporter ());
let mode = determine_mode cert_file key_file in
let mode_str = (match mode with `OpenSSL _ -> "HTTPS" | `TCP -> "HTTP") in
let mode_str = match mode with `OpenSSL _ -> "HTTPS" | `TCP -> "HTTP" in (fun f -> f "Listening for %s requests on %d" mode_str port);
let info = Printf.sprintf "Served by Cohttp/Async listening on %d" port in
~on_handler_error:(`Call (fun addr exn ->
Logs.err (fun f -> f "Error from %s" (Socket.Address.to_string addr));
Logs.err (fun f -> f "%s" @@ Exn.to_string exn)))
(fun addr exn ->
Logs.err (fun f -> f "Error from %s" (Socket.Address.to_string addr));
Logs.err (fun f -> f "%s" @@ Exn.to_string exn)))
(Tcp.Where_to_listen.of_port port)
(handler ~info ~docroot ~index) >>= fun _serv ->
Deferred.never ()
(handler ~info ~docroot ~index)
>>= fun _serv -> Deferred.never ()

let () =
let open Async_command in
run @@
async_spec ~summary:"Serve the local directory contents via HTTP or HTTPS"
+> anon (maybe_with_default "." ("docroot" %: string))
+> flag "-p" (optional_with_default 8080 int) ~doc:"port TCP port to listen on"
+> flag "-i" (optional_with_default "index.html" string) ~doc:"file Name of index file in directory"
+> flag "-cert-file" (optional string) ~doc:"File of cert for https"
+> flag "-key-file" (optional string) ~doc:"File of private key for https"
+> flag "-v" no_arg ~doc:" Verbose logging output to console"
) start_server
@@ async_spec ~summary:"Serve the local directory contents via HTTP or HTTPS"
+> anon (maybe_with_default "." ("docroot" %: string))
+> flag "-p"
(optional_with_default 8080 int)
~doc:"port TCP port to listen on"
+> flag "-i"
(optional_with_default "index.html" string)
~doc:"file Name of index file in directory"
+> flag "-cert-file" (optional string) ~doc:"File of cert for https"
+> flag "-key-file" (optional string)
~doc:"File of private key for https"
+> flag "-v" no_arg ~doc:" Verbose logging output to console")
8 changes: 3 additions & 5 deletions cohttp-async/src/body.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,10 +2,8 @@ open! Base
open! Async_kernel
open! Cohttp

type t = [
| Cohttp.Body.t
| `Pipe of string Pipe.Reader.t
] [@@deriving sexp_of]
type t = [ Cohttp.Body.t | `Pipe of string Pipe.Reader.t ] [@@deriving sexp_of]

include Cohttp.S.Body with type t := t

val drain : t -> unit Deferred.t
Expand All @@ -16,4 +14,4 @@ val to_pipe : t -> string Pipe.Reader.t
val of_pipe : string Pipe.Reader.t -> t
val map : t -> f:(string -> string) -> t
val as_pipe : t -> f:(string Pipe.Reader.t -> string Pipe.Reader.t) -> t
val to_form : t -> (string * string list) list Deferred.t
val to_form : t -> (string * string list) list Deferred.t
78 changes: 33 additions & 45 deletions cohttp-async/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,13 +2,10 @@ open Base
open Async_kernel
module B = Cohttp.Body

type t = [
| B.t
| `Pipe of string Pipe.Reader.t
] [@@deriving sexp_of]
type t = [ B.t | `Pipe of string Pipe.Reader.t ] [@@deriving sexp_of]

let empty = `Empty
let of_string s = ((B.of_string s) :> t)
let of_string s = (B.of_string s :> t)
let of_pipe p = `Pipe p

let to_string = function
Expand All @@ -19,30 +16,23 @@ let to_string_list = function
| #B.t as body -> return (B.to_string_list body)
| `Pipe s -> Pipe.to_list s

let drain = function
| #B.t -> return ()
| `Pipe p -> Pipe.drain p
let drain = function #B.t -> return () | `Pipe p -> Pipe.drain p

let is_empty (body:t) =
let is_empty (body : t) =
match body with
| #B.t as body -> return (B.is_empty body)
| `Pipe pipe ->
| `Pipe pipe -> (
Deferred.repeat_until_finished () @@ fun () ->
Pipe.values_available pipe
>>= function
| `Eof -> return (`Finished true)
| `Ok -> begin
match Pipe.peek pipe with
| None -> return (`Finished true)
| Some "" ->
begin pipe
>>| function
| `Eof -> `Finished true
| `Ok _ -> `Repeat ()
| Some _ -> return (`Finished false)
Pipe.values_available pipe >>= function
| `Eof -> return (`Finished true)
| `Ok -> (
match Pipe.peek pipe with
| None -> return (`Finished true)
| Some "" -> ( pipe >>| function
| `Eof -> `Finished true
| `Ok _ -> `Repeat ())
| Some _ -> return (`Finished false)))

let to_pipe = function
| `Empty -> Pipe.of_list []
Expand All @@ -53,10 +43,10 @@ let to_pipe = function
let disable_chunked_encoding = function
| #B.t as body -> return (body, B.length body)
| `Pipe s ->
Pipe.to_list s >>| fun l ->
let body = `Strings l in
let len = B.length body in
body, len
Pipe.to_list s >>| fun l ->
let body = `Strings l in
let len = B.length body in
(body, len)

let transfer_encoding = function
| #B.t as t -> B.transfer_encoding t
Expand All @@ -70,7 +60,6 @@ let map t ~f =
| `Pipe p -> `Pipe ( p ~f)

let as_pipe t ~f = `Pipe (t |> to_pipe |> f)

let to_form t = to_string t >>| Uri.query_of_encoded
let of_form ?scheme f = Uri.encoded_of_query ?scheme f |> of_string

Expand All @@ -87,19 +76,18 @@ let pipe_of_body read_chunk ic =
Deferred.repeat_until_finished () (fun () ->
read_chunk ic >>= function
| Chunk buf ->
(* Even if [writer] has been closed, the loop must continue reading
* from the input channel to ensure that it is left in a proper state
* for the next request to be processed (in the case of keep-alive).
* The only case where [writer] will be closed is when
* [Pipe.close_read] has been called on its read end. This could be
* done by a request handler to signal that it does not need to
* inspect the remainder of the body to fulfill the request.
Pipe.write_when_ready writer ~f:(fun write -> write buf)
>>| fun _ -> `Repeat ()
(* Even if [writer] has been closed, the loop must continue reading
* from the input channel to ensure that it is left in a proper state
* for the next request to be processed (in the case of keep-alive).
* The only case where [writer] will be closed is when
* [Pipe.close_read] has been called on its read end. This could be
* done by a request handler to signal that it does not need to
* inspect the remainder of the body to fulfill the request.
Pipe.write_when_ready writer ~f:(fun write -> write buf)
>>| fun _ -> `Repeat ()
| Final_chunk buf ->
Pipe.write_when_ready writer ~f:(fun write -> write buf)
>>| fun _ -> `Finished ()
| Done -> return (`Finished ()))
Pipe.write_when_ready writer ~f:(fun write -> write buf)
>>| fun _ -> `Finished ()
| Done -> return (`Finished ())))

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