is a simple library to check or sign an incoming emails from -data.
See RFC 7208.
You must have an OPAM environment. Then, uspf
can be installed with:
$ opam install uspf
is a little tool which can be used to verify DNS records from some
informations (like where comes from the incoming email - especially, what is
the IP address of the sender).
From these informations and the DNS record, we are able to check if the IP address is allowed to send an email under a certain domain-name.
By this way, uspf
- few informations (the IP address of the sender, its domain-name, etc.)
- a DNS stack to get records
(* Informations required by uSPF *)
let ctx =
|> Uspf.with_sender (`MAILFROM address)
|> Uspf.with_ip ipaddr
(* DNS record *)
let record = Uspf.get ctx sched dns (module DNS)
(* Verification *)
let result = Uspf.check ctx sched dns (module DNS)
From the result, the user is able to emit a new RFC822 field via mrmime:
let field_name, value = Uspf.to_field ~ctx ?receiver result
let () =
Format.printf "%s: %s\n%!"
(Mrmime.Field_name.to_string field_name)
(Unstrctrd.to_utf_8_string value)
has received funding from the Next Generation Internet Initiative
(NGI) within the framework of the DAPSI Project.