Comparison of few GPU and CPU mathematical routines from BLAS and LAPACK libraries.
This simple project is focused at testing BLAS and LAPACK functions in GPU (cublas,cula) and CPU (blas, lapack) realms.
Comparing DGEMM, CPU_CUDA vs CPU_BLAS, matrix size 2000x2000, Tesla K20m
gpu-cpu-comparison.x dgemm_cuda 2000
cuda_dgemm GPU vs CPU test
Routine <GPU CUDA DGEMM> spent runtime: 0.05900000 seconds.
aver. sum of diag: 2001.0000000000000 1,1: 2.0000000000000000 1,n: 2001.0000000000000 n,1: 2001.0000000000000 n,n 4000.0000000000000
Routine <CPU BLAS DGEMM> spent runtime: 7.13600000 seconds.
aver. sum of diag: 2001.0000000000000 1,1: 2.0000000000000000 1,n: 2001.0000000000000 n,1: 2001.0000000000000 n,n 4000.0000000000000