-- Aws manages Elastic Compute Cloud instances and related Amazon Web Services components.
The aws command assumes that AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY are set in the environment before running the program.
aws command [arguments]
The commands are:
create create an instance from image_id and instance_type (default=t1.micro)
clone create an ami from an EBS-backed running instance
stop stop one or more instances
resume resume one or more instances
destroy terminate one or more instances
instances list instances matching key=value, available filters: http://goo.gl/4No7c
images list our images matching key=value, -all for all available filters: http://goo.gl/SRBhW
deregister deregister an image. nobody will be able to boot from it afterwards
snapshots list our snapshots matching key=value
snapshot create snapshot from image
delete delete one or more snapshots
regions list all available regions
help print this message
usage print usage information
Each command has individual usage patterns available through "aws usage command" or "aws usage":
aws create image_id [instance_type]
aws clone id [name=... description=... noreboot=t/f]
aws stop id [...]
aws resume id [...]
aws destroy id [...]
aws instances [key=value]
aws images [-all] [key=value]
aws deregister image_id
aws snapshots [key=value]
aws snapshot image_id
aws delete snapshot_id ...
aws regions
aws help
aws usage [command]
Find the currently available instances:
$ ./aws instances
reservation: r-11xxxxxx
i-aa000000 running ec2-1.amazonaws.com ami-xxxxxxxx
reservation: r-22xxxxxx
i-bb000000 stopped ami-yyyyyyyy
reservation: r-33xxxxxx
i-cc000000 running ec2-2.amazonaws.com ami-zzzzzzzz
Find all images belonging to us:
$ ./aws images
ami-xxxxxxxx GoogleDocs available x86_64 machine Browser for Google Docs
ami-yyyyyyyy GoogleEarth available x86_64 machine Google Earth
ami-zzzzzzzz OpenOffice available x86_64 machine Open Office
Clone the running instance i-cc000000's image:
$ ./aws clone i-cc000000 name=test description='this is a test'
Destroy the newly created image:
$ ./aws deregister ami-ffffffff