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Write a simple python webservice that returns the objects & manipuates the data found here
should return the first 10 objects ordered with the cheapest first.
should return the products where kids=1 ordered with the cheapest first
The products should be paginated where page in the url above should return the next 10 objects
should return the individual product.
Remember to test
Remember to document (why, not how)
####Bonus: extend the service so the products can also be created, edited and deleted in a backend of choice.
You are welcome to use any thirdparty python web framework or library that you are familiar with.
- Django=1.8.5
####Explanations: Data store in sqlite db. You can create new products or edit\delete existing using admin panel /admin/ There wasn't any kids='1' objects in default data at this link:
- So i change one of them.
Also You can clean the table and "reload" all default data using Product.reload_data() class method provided in products.models
####default SuperUser:
- login: root
- password: qwerty