This is a pure JS node module which reads and writes the binary transaction packet formats used in opencbdc-tx. It also contains utilities to calculate UHS and transaction hashes from output data.
- Clone the code
$ git clone ""
- Install the necessary dependencies
$ npm install
- Run the test suite
$ npm test
Patches are welcome! Please see the OpenCBDC contribution guide for more information!
The following is a breakdown of sections and classes for this cbdc-module:
constructor(script_type, pubHex) -
a new Address Object
- script_type - {Number} representing the script type of the address
- pubHex - {String} represents valid 32 byte hexadecimal string
getAddress() - returns {String}
represented the bech32 encoding version of a publickey e.g.
decodeAddress() - returns {Object}
with fields script_type (string representing) and pubHex (hex string of public key)
static decodeFromAddressString(address) - returns
{Object} with fields script_type {Number} and pubHex {String} (hexdecimal string of public key)
- constructor(secretKeyData) -
returns a new Publickey object
- secretKeyData -
{String} a valid 32 byte hexadecimal string
- secretKeyData -
- static fromPrivateKeyData(secretKeyData)
- secretKeyData -
{String} a valid 32 byte hexadecimal string
- secretKeyData -
- toBuffer() -
returns {Buffer} 32 byte buffer publickey
- constructor(secretKeyData) -
- contructor(randBytes) -
returns new SecretKey with randBytes provided as random seed (if provided), otherwise it creates random key from random secrety bytes
- randBytes - {Buffer} optional 32 bytes used to seed for privatekey, otherwise another random
- toString() -
returns {String} valid hexadecimal string of privatekey
- toBuffer() -
returns {Buffer} valid 32 byte Buffer for privatekey
- static fromHex(secretKeyHex)-
returns {SecretKey} from secretKeyHex
- secretKeyHex - valid 32 byte hexadecimal string for privateKey
- toHex() -
returns hexadecimal representation of privateKey
- contructor(randBytes) -
- Networking
- broadcastTx(port, host, signedTxHex) -
broadcast a signedTxBuf to a sentinel server at host {host} and port {port} number
- port - {number} port number of host
- host - {string} hostname url to send signedTx
- signedTxHex - {string} a valid hexadecimal encoded transaction that has been signed
- broadcastTx(port, host, signedTxHex) -
- Input
- constructor(tx_hash, index, witnessProgramCommitment, value)
returns new Input Object Type
- tx_hash - {String} valid hexadecimal string for transaction hash this input references
- index - {number} index position of the input for tx
- witnessProgramCommitment {String} - witness commitment for this input
- value {number} - the number of dollar units this input is worth
- writeInputToBuffer() -
returns Buffer representation as buffer type
- getUHSHash() -
returns {Buffer} Universal Hash Set hash of the input e.g. concatentation of [txid, index, witnessProgramCommitment, value] into bytes
e.g. - toString() -
returns {String} representing valid input
- constructor(tx_hash, index, witnessProgramCommitment, value)
- Utility Methods CBDC module
- sign(secretKey, message) -
returns signature that signed message {message} with privateKey {privateKey}
- secretKey - {String} - 32 byte hexadecimal string
- message - {String} - message that is signed
- verify(publicKey, message, signature)
returns true or false whether the produced signature is validly signed publicKey
- publicKey - 32 byte hexadecimal string
- message - message to verify was signed
- signature - {String} signature to verify validly signed message against public key message pair
- sign(secretKey, message) -
N.B.: A hash is used to identify a specfic UTXO within the monetary supply (the UHS ID); it is a concatenation of a txid, a 64-bit index of the UTXO's position in previous tx's outputs, a witnessProgramCommitment, and the 64-bit encoded value of that output
- constructor(witnessProgramCommitment, value)
returns new Output Object type
- witnessProgramCommitment - {String}
- value - {Number}
- writeOutputToBuffer() -
returns a Buffer representation of this output in raw bytes
- static fromOutputData(pubHex, value) -
returns a new {Output} from publicKey and value provided
- pubHex - {String}
- value - {Number}
- toString() -
returns {String} string representation of Output
- constructor(witnessProgramCommitment, value)
- constructor(inputs, outputs, witnesses) -
returns new {Transaction} object
- inputs - Array{Input}
- outputs - Array{Output}
- witnesses - Array of witness object
- toHex() -
returns {String} hexadecimal string of the unsigned raw transaction
- getTxid() -
returns {String} returns hexadecimal string of transaction id (txid)
- sign(secretKey) -
returns {Buffer} signed tx in bytes
- static txFromHex(rawHex) -
returns {Transaction} object from the provided rawTx
- rawHex - valid hexadecimal string represents a valid tx
- constructor(inputs, outputs, witnesses) -
BigInt is used everywhere throughout this module, that may pose problems in using toJson() methods or serializing for output
The following are example code snippets.
const addr = new Address('00', '3ad8f015f9212f8262248af4cf4cc39907d0215fdde14507f8bc09ad5836bbe9') console.log(addr.getAddress()); usd1qqad3uq4lysjlqnzyj90fn6vcwvs05pptlw7z3g8lz7qnt2cx6a7jty6gr5 console.log(addr.decodeAddress()); { script_type: 0, pubHex: '3ad8f015f9212f8262248af4cf4cc39907d0215fdde14507f8bc09ad5836bbe9' }
const pub = new Publickey('e00b5c3d80899217a22fea87e7337907203df8a1efebd4d2a8773c8f629fff36') console.log(pub.toBuffer());
const secKey = new SecretKey(Buffer.from(parseInt(Math.round(Math.random() * 10)), 'hex')); secKey.toString(); secKey.toBuffer();
let network = require('./networking/broadcast'); const txBuf = new Transaction(); Networking.broadcastTx(5555, '', Buffer.from(tx.toHex(), 'hex'))
const input = new Input('9f981e64afc0fc56a0d7b355cd9eba36f3d19507088713b1f73afc5bf301a44e', 0, '70cd87ebaaa0d2d059dccaceeb7f9f823a5791d60b00aef9d9573f1fbf91ca29', 200) const output = new Output('81b095a242974d9f4e98ca18b468b8e644e4168380a035b3d66bc279b36c6510', 200) const tx = new Transaction([input], [output], []); tx.sign('e00b5c3d80899217a22fea87e7337907203df8a1efebd4d2a8773c8f629fff36') console.log(tx.getTxid()); 12e01dfa90358fd203da3acbbe105b1ed2d249cd8e601ed919f4b8b2a99cbb02 console.log(tx); 01000000000000009f981e64afc0fc56a0d7b355cd9eba36f3d19507088713b1f73afc5bf301a44e000000000000000070cd87ebaaa0d2d059dccaceeb7f9f823a5791d60b00aef9d9573f1fbf91ca29c800000000000000010000000000000081b095a242974d9f4e98ca18b468b8e644e4168380a035b3d66bc279b36c6510c80000000000000001000000000000006100000000000000003ad8f015f9212f8262248af4cf4cc39907d0215fdde14507f8bc09ad5836bbe901986cc97272bdb7624a824afcef76936b8f945e55d6e8479b95c81298e77b42d5a255e8529fc2f0d90743e7f9997a7159b6121105c7ec9b9252da992f34611f
Constructing, signing and broacasting tx to sentinel
const secretKey = 'e00b5c3d80899217a22fea87e7337907203df8a1efebd4d2a8773c8f629fff36'; const input = new Input('9f981e64afc0fc56a0d7b355cd9eba36f3d19507088713b1f73afc5bf301a44e', 0, '70cd87ebaaa0d2d059dccaceeb7f9f823a5791d60b00aef9d9573f1fbf91ca29', 200) const output = new Output('81b095a242974d9f4e98ca18b468b8e644e4168380a035b3d66bc279b36c6510', 200) const tx = new Transaction([input], [output], []); tx.sign(secretKey); Networking.broadcastTx(5555, '', Buffer.from(tx.toHex(), 'hex'))
Signing and Verifying
const secretKey = "e00b5c3d80899217a22fea87e7337907203df8a1efebd4d2a8773c8f629fff36"; const publicKey = "3ad8f015f9212f8262248af4cf4cc39907d0215fdde14507f8bc09ad5836bbe9"; const sha256 = function () {...}; const message = 'onomatopoeia'; const sig = utils.sign(secretKey, message); utils.verify(publicKey, Buffer.from(sha256(message), 'hex'), sig);
secret key: e00b5c3d80899217a22fea87e7337907203df8a1efebd4d2a8773c8f629fff36
public key: 3ad8f015f9212f8262248af4cf4cc39907d0215fdde14507f8bc09ad5836bbe9
Tx {
inputs: [
tx_hash: '9f981e64afc0fc56a0d7b355cd9eba36f3d19507088713b1f73afc5bf301a44e',
index: 0n,
witness_program_commitment: '70cd87ebaaa0d2d059dccaceeb7f9f823a5791d60b00aef9d9573f1fbf91ca29',
value: 200n
outputs: [
witness_program_commitment: '81b095a242974d9f4e98ca18b468b8e644e4168380a035b3d66bc279b36c6510',
value: 200n
witnesses: [
witness_length: 97n,
script_type: 0,
pubkey: '3ad8f015f9212f8262248af4cf4cc39907d0215fdde14507f8bc09ad5836bbe9',
signature: '01986cc97272bdb7624a824afcef76936b8f945e55d6e8479b95c81298e77b42d5a255e8529fc2f0d90743e7f9997a7159b6121105c7ec9b9252da992f34611f'