Simple PowerShell Logger that outputs to the screen and to a file.
Write-PSLog -Path {somepath} -Message {firstMessage}
Write-PSLog -Message {SecondMessage}
Though the 'Path' parameter is not used the second time, the second invocation of Write-PSLog will write to the same path. In order to log to a different path, rerun Write-PSLog with a new 'Path' parameter.
Also, when using LogType ERROR or WARN, the console coloring will match the same coloring as if you used Write-Error or Write-Warning.
Module is up on
Install-Module SimplyLog
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
Message | [string[]] | Messages to be logged |
LogType | [string] | Valid Values: INFO, WARN, ERROR |
LogSection | [string] | Optional prefix to the message |
NoTimestamp | [switch] | Prevents a timestamp from being included |
Quiet | [switch] | Only outputs to the file, not to the console |
Path | [string] | Path to the file for logging |
ClearLog | [switch | Clears the file before logging (requires -Path) |
<LogType>: [<Timestmap>] [<LogSection>] <Message>
Write-PSLog -Message "Message without a section"
Write-PSLog -LogSection somesection -Message "Message with a section"
Write-PSLog -LogSection somesection -LogType Error -Message "Error Message with a section"
Write-PSLog -LogSection somesection -LogType Warn -Message "Warn Message with a section"
Write-PSLog -LogSection somesection -Message "Message with a section by no timestamp" -NoTimestamp
Write-PSLog -Message "Message, no section, no timestamp" -NoTimestamp
Results in
INFO: [2017-02-24 14:45:40] Message without a section
INFO: [2017-02-24 14:46:11] [somesection] Message with a section
ERROR: [2017-02-24 14:46:11] [somesection] Error Message with a section
WARN: [2017-02-24 14:46:11] [somesection] Warn Message with a section
INFO: [somesection] Message with a section but no timestamp
INFO: Message, no section, no timestamp