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React Dynamic Form Library

A flexible and dynamic form library for React, featuring a generic form component capable of rendering various input types, including custom dynamic inputs. Built with accessibility and extensibility in mind.


  • Dynamic Form Fields: Render various input types based on provided configurations.
  • Custom Input Types: Easily extend with custom input types.
  • Form State Management: Integrated with react-hook-form for robust form state management and validation.
  • Accessibility: Inputs come with basic ARIA attributes and can be further customized for accessibility.
  • Controlled Components: Manage and manipulate form inputs dynamically from parent components.


Install the package using npm or yarn:

npm install @mithya-team/react-form-plugin


yarn add @mithya-team/react-form-plugin


Integrating and utilizing the ReactForm component in your React application is straightforward. Follow these steps to render and manage forms dynamically.

Basic Form Setup

Here's a basic example to get you started:

import React from "react";
import { ReactForm } from "@mithya-team/react-form-plugin";

const MyForm = () => {
  const fieldsInput = [
    { type: "text", name: "name", label: "Name" },
    // ...add other field configurations

  const onSubmit = (data) => {
    // Handle form submission data

  return <ReactForm fieldsInput={fieldsInput} onSubmit={onSubmit} />;

export default MyForm;


Example showing validation with zod

import React, { useState } from "react";
import { FieldInput, ReactForm } from "@mithya-team/react-form-plugin";
// import validation library
import { zodResolver } from "@hookform/resolvers/zod";
import { z } from "zod";

// Define the validation schema using Zod
const schema = z.object({
  name: z.string().min(1, "Name is required"),
  emailId: z.string().email("Invalid email format").min(1, "Email is required"),
  gender: z.enum(["male", "female", "trans"], {
    required_error: "Gender is required",

// Define the form fields
const fieldsInput: FieldInput[] = [
  { type: "text", name: "name", label: "Name", defaultValue: "Ram" },
  { type: "email", name: "emailId", label: "Email ID" },
    type: "radio",
    name: "gender",
    label: "Gender",
    options: [
      { value: "male", label: "Male" },
      { value: "female", label: "Female" },
      { value: "trans", label: "Transgender" },

const UserDetailsForm: React.FC = () => {
  const onSubmit = (data: any) => console.log(data);

  return (
      <button onClick={logFormValues}>Log Form Values</button>

export default UserDetailsForm;

Conditional Update

Use conditions to update the field props

import React from "react";
import { FieldInput, ReactForm } from "@mithya-team/react-form-plugin";

// Define the form fields
const fieldsInput: FieldInput[] = [
    type: "radio",
    name: "gender",
    label: "Gender",
    options: [
      { value: "male", label: "Male" },
      { value: "female", label: "Female" },
      { value: "trans", label: "Transgender" },
    type: "select",
    name: "favouritePokemon",
    label: "Favourite Pokemon",
    options: [
      { value: "pik", label: "Pikachu" },
      { value: "char", label: "Charmander" },
      { value: "saiduck", label: "Saiduck" },
    inputProps: { disabled: true },
    conditions: [
        when: (formValues) => {
          return formValues["gender"] === "male";
        then: () => {
          return { inputProps: { disabled: false } };

const UserDetailsForm: React.FC = () => {
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
  const onSubmit = (data: any) => console.log(data);

  return (
      <ReactForm fields={fieldsInput} onSubmit={onSubmit} />

export default UserDetailsForm;

Extending Custom Input Types

Let's take a cue from OtpInput

Step 1: Create a custom Input Type

import React, { useEffect, useRef } from "react";
import { Controller, useFormContext } from "react-hook-form";
import { ErrorField } from "@mithya-team/react-form-plugin";
import { OtpInputProps } from "../../@types";
import "../index.css";

export interface MyCustomFieldProps {
  name: string; // name is required
  label?: string;
  classes?: {
    root?: string;
    // other classes for styling goes here
  inputProps?: IInputProps;
  defaultValue?: string;

const MyCustomField: React.FC<MyCustomFieldProps> = ({
}) => {
  const {
    formState: { errors },
  } = useFormContext();

  const inputRef = useRef<(HTMLInputElement | null)>(null);

  const id = `form-${name}`;

  return (
        render={ ({ field: { onChange, onBlur, value = "" } }) => (

          // Render React Component here


export default MyCustomField;

Step 2: Add custom input types by extending the input component map:

import { addtype } from "@mithya-team/react-form-plugin";
import type { FormFields } from "@mithya-team/react-form-plugin";
import MyCustomField from "./MyCustomInput";

// Extend the type
type ExtendedFormFields =
  | FormFields
  | Field<"my-custom-field", MyCustomFieldProps>;

addtype("my-custom-field", MyCustomField);

Step 3: Usage in ReactForm

// Define the form fields
const fieldsInput: ExtendedFormFields[] = [
    type: "radio",
    name: "gender",
    label: "Gender",
    options: [
      { value: "male", label: "Male" },
      { value: "female", label: "Female" },
      { value: "trans", label: "Transgender" },
  // use here, it should support typescript intellisense
    type: "my-custom-field",
    name: "CustomField",
    // other custom field props

API Reference

Below is the API reference for the ReactForm component and its associated input types.


A flexible and dynamic form component that renders based on provided field configurations.


  • fieldsInput: Array of field configuration objects
  • onSubmit: Function to handle form submission.
  • onGetValues: Function to expose the getValues method from react-hook-form
  • classes: CSS Classes for styling
  • resolver: Use any validation library supported by react-hook-form

Field Configuration

Defines how each field in the form should be rendered and behave.


  • type: Defines the type of input (e.g., 'text', 'checkbox', 'radio').
  • name: A unique identifier for the form field. label (optional): Display label for the form field.

Additional properties for validation, aria attributes, and other custom behaviors.

TextField config example

import { FieldInput } from "../../lib";
import { z } from "zod";

// Define the validation schema using Zod
const schema = z.object({
  name: z.string().min(1, "Name is required"),
  address: z.string().min(6, "Address is required"),
  emailId: z.string().email("Invalid email format").min(1, "Email is required"),

// Define the form fields
const fieldsInput: FieldInput[] = [
    type: "text",
    name: "name",
    label: "Name",
    defaultValue: "Ram",
    inputProps: {
      disabled: true,
    type: "text",
    name: "address",
    label: "Address",
    defaultValue: "8, Dasrath Palace, Ayodhya",
  { type: "email", name: "emailId", label: "Email ID" },


type BasicInputProps = {
  type: `${BasicInputType}`;
  name: string;
  label?: string;
  classes?: {
    container?: string;
    inputContainer?: string;
    label?: string;
    input?: string;
    error?: string;
  inputProps?: IInputProps;
  defaultValue?: string;

interface IInputProps
  extends Omit<
    InputHTMLAttributes<HTMLInputElement | HTMLSelectElement>,
  > {
  startAdornment?: ReactElement;
  endAdornment?: ReactElement;


  const classes = {
    container?: string; // rf--basic-input-root
    inputContainer?: string; // rf--input-container
    label?: string; // rf--label
    input?: string; // rf--input
    error?: string; // rf--error
    endAdornment?: string; // rf--start-adornment
    startAdornment?: string; // rf--end-adornment

Checkbox config example

import { FieldInput } from "../../lib";
import { z } from "zod";

// Define the validation schema using Zod
const schema = z.object({
  favouriteDish: z
    .nonempty("Select at least one favourite dish")
    .optional(), // mark the field as optional if conditional rendering is applied

// Define the form fields
const fieldsInput: FieldInput[] = [
    type: "checkbox",
    name: "favouriteDish",
    label: "Favourite Dish",
    options: [
      { value: "rice", label: "Rice" },
      { value: "pizza", label: "Pizza" },
      { value: "burger", label: "Burger" },
    defaultValue: ["rice"],


type Option = {
  value: string;
  label: string;
  disabled?: boolean;

interface CheckboxInputProps {
  type: "checkbox";
  name: string;
  options: Option[];
  label?: string;
  classes?: {
    root?: string;
    container?: string;
    checkbox?: string;
    label?: string;
    error?: string;
  inputProps?: IInputProps;
  defaultValue?: Option["value"][];


const classes = {
    root?: string; // rf--checkbox-root
    container?: string; // rf--checkbox-container
    checkbox?: string; // rf--checkbox-input
    label?: string; // rf--label
    error?: string; // rf--error

select config example

import { FieldInput } from "../../lib";
import { z } from "zod";

// Define the validation schema using Zod
const schema = z.object({
  favouritePokemon: z
    .enum(["pik", "char", "saiduck"], {
      required_error: "Pokemons is required",
    .optional(), // mark the field as optional if conditional rendering is applied

// Define the form fields
const fieldsInput: FieldInput[] = [
    type: "select",
    name: "favouritePokemon",
    label: "Favourite Pokemon",
    options: [
      { value: "pik", label: "Pikachu" },
      { value: "char", label: "Charmander" },
      { value: "saiduck", label: "Saiduck" },


interface SelectInputProps {
  type: "select";
  name: string;
  options: Option[];
  label?: string;
  classes?: {
    root?: string;
    container?: string;
    select?: string;
    label?: string;
    option?: string;
    error?: string;
  inputProps?: IInputProps;
  defaultValue?: Option["value"];


const classes = {
    root?: string; // rf--select-root
    select?: string; // rf--select-input
    label?: string; // rf--label
    option?: string; // rf--label rf--select-label
    error?: string; // rf--error

Radio config example

import { FieldInput } from "../../lib";
import { z } from "zod";

// Define the validation schema using Zod
const schema = z.object({
  gender: z.enum(["male", "female", "trans"], {
    required_error: "Gender is required",

// Define the form fields
const fieldsInput: FieldInput[] = [
    type: "radio",
    name: "gender",
    label: "Gender",
    options: [
      { value: "male", label: "Male" },
      { value: "female", label: "Female" },
      { value: "trans", label: "Transgender" },


interface RadioInputProps {
  type: "radio";
  name: string;
  options: Option[];
  label?: string;
  classes?: {
    root?: string;
    container?: string;
    radio?: string;
    label?: string;
    error?: string;
    rootLabel?: string;
  inputProps?: IInputProps;
  defaultValue?: Option["value"];


const classes = {
    root?: string; // rf--radio-root
    container?: string; // rf--radio-container
    radio?: string; // rf--radio-input
    label?: string; // rf-label rf--radio-label
    error?: string; // rf--error
    rootLabel?: string; // rf--label

switch config example

import { FieldInput } from "../../lib";
import { z } from "zod";

// Define the validation schema using Zod
const schema = z.object({
  preferredTheme: z.boolean({ invalid_type_error: "value should be boolean" }),

// Define the form fields
const fieldsInput: FieldInput[] = [
    type: "switch",
    name: "preferredTheme",
    label: "Dark Theme",
    defaultValue: true,


interface SwitchInputProps {
  type: "switch";
  name: string;
  label?: string;
  classes?: {
    switchContainer?: string;
    label?: string;
    switch?: string;
    button?: string;
    input?: string;
    activeSwitch?: string;
    activeButton?: string;
  inputProps?: IInputProps;
  defaultValue?: boolean;


const classes = {
    switchContainer?: string; // rf--switch-root
    label?: string; // rf--switch-label rf--label
    switch?: string; // rf--label rf--switch
    button?: string; // rf--switch-button
    input?: string; // rf--switch-input
    activeSwitch?: string;
    activeButton?: string;

File config example

import { FieldInput } from "../../lib";
import { z } from "zod";

// Define the validation schema using Zod
const schema = z.object({
  file: z.any().refine((files) => files?.length == 1, "Image is required."),

// Define the form fields
const fieldsInput: FieldInput[] = [
    type: "file",
    name: "file",
    label: "file",


Same as BasicInput


Same as BasicInput

date and time config example

import { FieldInput } from "../../lib";
import { z } from "zod";

// Define the validation schema using Zod
const schema = z.object({
  time: z.string(),
  date: z.string(),

// Define the form fields
const fieldsInput: FieldInput[] = [
    type: "time",
    name: "time",
    label: "Time",
    defaultValue: true,

    type: "date",
    name: "date",
    label: "Date",
    defaultValue: true,


Same as BasicInput


Same as BasicInput

Otp config example

import { FieldInput } from "../../lib";
import { z } from "zod";

// Define the validation schema using Zod
const schema = z.object({
  phoneOtp: z.string(),

// Define the form fields
const fieldsInput: FieldInput[] = [
    type: "otp",
    name: "phoneOtp",
    length: 6,


interface OtpInputProps {
  type: "otp";
  name: string;
  length: number;
  label?: string;
  classes?: {
    root?: string;
    input?: string;
    error?: string;
    label?: string;
    inputContainer?: string;
  inputProps?: IInputProps;
  defaultValue?: string;


const classes = {
    root?: string; // rf--otp-root
    input?: string; // rf--input rf--otp-input
    error?: string; // rf--error
    label?: string; // rf--label
    inputContainer?: string; // rf--otp-input-container

phone number config example

import { FieldInput } from "../../lib";
import { z } from "zod";

// Define the validation schema using Zod
const schema = z.object({
  countryPhoneNumber: z.string(),

// Define the form fields
const fieldsInput: FieldInput[] = [
    type: "country-phone-number",
    name: "countryPhoneNumber",


interface CountryPhoneNumberInputProps {
  type: "country-phone-number";
  name: string;
  classes?: {
    root?: string;
    select?: string;
    input?: string;
    inputWrapper?: string;
    selectWrapper?: string;
    error?: string;
    label?: string;
  label?: string;
  inputProps?: IInputProps;
  selectProps?: IInputProps;
  defaultValue?: string;


const classes = {
    root?: string; // rf--phone-number-root
    select?: string; // rf--phone-number-country-select
    input?: string; // rf--input rf--phone-number-input
    inputWrapper?: string; // rf--phone-number-input-wrapper
    selectWrapper?: string; // rf--phone-number-country-select-wrapper
    error?: string; // rf--error
    label?: string; // rf--label

plain text config example

// Define the form fields
const fieldsInput: FieldInput[] = [
    type: "plainText",
    name: "plainHelperText",
    text: "This is helper text.",


interface PlainTextProps {
  type: "plainText";
  name: string;
  text?: string | JSX.Element;
  className?: string;


className?: string; // rf--plain-text

Issues and Pull Requests

Contributions are always welcome! If you encounter any issues or would like to contribute, please file an issue or submit a PR:

Issues: GitHub Issues Pull Requests: GitHub Pull Requests


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