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Change Proposal Process

John Wunder edited this page Jan 25, 2018 · 1 revision

The analytic translator developers use the following process to transition desired capabilities from "wouldn't it be cool if we had ___" to a proposal for STIX in the CTI TC.

  1. Identify a capability not currently in STIX that needs to be added. That capability should have at least one (ideally more) analytics that require it in order to run. In other words, capabilities need to be supported by defined use cases. Once a capability is identified, it is added to the issue tracker and given the label "feature-request".

Anyone can provide suggestions at this phase: just add an issue! We'll then review it and, if appropriate, assign it the feature-request label. Make sure to include your use cases!

  1. The team develops and iterates on proposals to add the feature to STIX. Proposals will be posted to the issue and shared with the relevant communities. Once a proposal seems to have consensus (as determined by this team) they'll post it to the issue and add a label "proposal".

  2. The team will code support for the feature into the analytic translator. Once done, the issue will be marked "running-code" (it will not be closed).

  3. Once the issue has running code and a proposal with consensus from this community, a corresponding issue will be opened in the STIX issue tracker with the proposal, use cases, and link to running code. At that point, it's been contributed to the TC and the issue in this repository will be closed.

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