Application for registration of children ages 0 to 18 +
Backend - Python 3, Djangо 1.9
Package manager for frontend - Bower
Clone project
git clone
Create virtualenv
and install dependencies:
cd kids2
virtualenv --python=python3 env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
Create user settings
cp src/settings/ src/settings/
Init database and install some fixtures:
python migrate
python filldicts --fill
python sitetree_resync_apps
Install vendor static
bower i
Create super user
python createsuper
Copy settings for fabric script deploy
cp ./ ./
Enter your parameters in the file ./
and just run script
fab deploy
Add to cron
crontab -e
0 0 1 9 * /.env/name/bin/python /projects/kids2/ transfer_children
pip install -r requirements/doc
cd docs && make html
For develop
ln -s ~/projects/kids2/docs/build/html/ ~/projects/kids2/src/static/html
For production:
ln -s ~/projects/kids2/docs/build/html/ ~/projects/kids2/public/static/html
P.S. The README file is written much later than the application, there may be errors. If there are questions write on my mail.