This repo contains all the dotfiles for any and all projects/themes that are involved in anyway with my workflow. No PRs will be accepted. This is my trash.
Consider everything you see here to only work on Linux unless its explicitly called out otherwise
Create Installation Script (Consider having this be part of the shellrc?)Current Target - Fold into shellrc
- ctags (Recommended use of universal ctags)
- yarn
The Neovim configuration can be installed by either downloading the various configuration files and placing them in their appropriate places, or cloning this repo and symlinking them
- editors/nvim/init.vim == $HOME/.config/nvim/init.vim
- editors/nvim/coc-settings.json == $HOME/.config/nvim/coc-settings.json
- editors/nvim/coc-package.json == $HOME/.config/coc/extensions/package.json
Once properly symlinked, coc will need its extensions installed
$ cd $HOME/.config/coc/extensions && yarn install
Finally, open up vim and run :PlugInstall
to finish the extension setup