💬 Presented challenge should give us idea about your skills in QA Automation if you would use or have in mind:
- best practices of automation frameworks, test design patterns, scalability, maintenance, coding, etc.
💡 Invest effort to present quality, instead of quantity. Even single test done, that shows proficiency in mentioned practices, gives you an oportunity to interest us, as our potential candidate and team member. It's consisted of two tasks, one related to UI automation and other one to REST API.
- Read Challenge Tasks to understand what is asked to be done
- Figure out which techology stack to use and how to structure a project
- From a zipe file you got, create:
- structure for an automation project, from scratch
- bear in mind that project should be runable and easy for 'plug and play' on any machine
- define instructions for running a project or tests itself
1. Write and automated test for an e-commerce site, fell free to pick any (e.g. http://automationpractice.com/index.php)
Login, searching for products using 3 different criteria, adding products to the cart, removing products from the cart, checkout process (if possible,) login, signup
Report any bugs you find by writing a bug ticket
Please prepare a document with the test flows and test cases.
- The document have to be clear to the developer and to someone who is not familiar with the technology
Prepare tests for run in a CI/CD
2. Write an automated tests for REST API
Implement REST API automated tests for a service of your choice (e.g. https://petstore.swagger.io/).
The idea of this exercise is to implement automated tests for CRUD functionalities
- You may pick any REST API provider that offers such a service
Test sending proper information, invalid information, incorrect format and other possible edge cases
- Use at least 3 different HTTP response codes in your tests
Report any bugs you find by writing a bug ticket
Happy testing! 🌟